The Barco Series 4 laser projector honored with prestigious “Catalyst Award” from Digital Cinema Report
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Projector named one of the best new products unveiled at CinemaCon 2019
The Barco Series 4 laser projector honored with prestigious “Catalyst Award” from Digital Cinema Report, projector named one of the best new products unveiled at CinemaCon 2019
Today, Cinionic proudly accepts the prestigious “Catalyst Award,” for its Barco Series 4 laser projector, presented by Digital Cinema Report. As one of the leading cinema trade publications, Digital Cinema Report covers the business and technology of film and is a trusted source for those who work in the cinema industry. Their annual Catalyst Award recognizes the best new technology introduced at CinemaCon, which is where the Barco Series 4 laser projector first debuted.
At this year’s show, Cinionic’s Barco Series 4 launched a new era of projection with its brilliant images, eco-friendly design and cost-effective maintenance. The projector leverages 4K, RGB-laser, as well as capable for 4K 120Hz high-frame-rate, ready for high-dynamic-range (HDR) and onboard Barco Colorgenic™ technology delivering wide-color-gamut capabilities. Its unparalleled design delivers an unmatched cinema experience for moviegoers today, future-proofed for tomorrow.
As the only projector to receive this year’s Catalyst Award, the Barco Series 4 joins Cinionic’s award-winning laser portfolio of high-quality and captivating technologies that empower exhibitors to provide compelling experiences for moviegoers worldwide. Its acclaim only furthers Cinionic’s commitment to help move the cinema industry forward.