1 oct. 2019

FAQ: Barco image processing

Procesamiento de imágenes · 3 minutos leídos

Barco's image processing portfolio supports events, presentations, visitor attractions many other visualization projects all around the world. Whether you’re an experienced old-timer in the AV industry or a rookie preparing for your first festival – our Barco experts are always ready to help you get the most out of your processor! Just to get you started, here’s an overview of the five most asked questions.


1. I have a big show coming up. It’s got an extremely large backdrop canvas with multiple flat-panel displays. Can I link multiple systems with each other for extra processing power?

Yes. The Barco processors excel in versatility and flexibility. With our screen management solutions, you can size the system to the event, not the event to the system! Their link cards allow you to expand your system by linking E2 to E2, S3-4K to S3-4K, or E2 to S3-4K. You can also link the Ex processor to the E2 or S3-4K. This enables easy expansion beyond the standard number of inputs, outputs and layers, minimizing additional external processing or routing to distribute the signals.

This is how it works:


2. I’m navigating through the Event Master layer possibilities, and I’ve noticed something about luma key, chroma key, linear key – that’s a whole bunch of keys. What does it all mean? And can you show me how to use them?

The demand for video-based installations that delight audiences with an exceptional experience is growing. The possibilities of Barco’s image processing are extensive: fill your canvas with different sources, or overlay graphics, brand logos and text on a background. These keys allow you to create customized lay-outs with clean layers and neat picture-in-picture effects.

Check this video for a basic explanation on how to use the keying features.


3. My customer is looking for a way to make their next corporate event more interactive with a dynamic presentation. How can I pre-program moving visuals in the Event Master software?

Barco’s image processing systems offer composition flexibility and easy-to-use screen management capabilities for all your projects. If you’re working with moving visuals, then smooth transitions from one lay-out to the next are key to keep your audience engaged.

So here’s a step-by-step guide to effortlessly program smooth picture-in-picture moves:


4. Is there a way to add external devices, like a separate LED image processor, to my configuration and assign commands to these external devices through the Barco screen management GUI?

Of course, in the interface you can add, preview and store commands for external devices to execute more complex events.You can add up to 24 external devices that are on the same network, with 24 commands per device! For all tips and tricks to become more successful at sending commands and controlling external devices dive in the user’s guide or watch the video below.


5. I’ve heard rumors about a new software release for the E2 Gen 2. What’s the difference with the previous version? And will my system automatically upgrade?

Users of myBarco will get a notification about the new available software and firmware as soon as their system is connected to the internet. In order to avoid sudden downtime during mission-critical shows due to automatic software downloads and system reboots, you can choose the best moment that fits your schedule to upgrade the system.

You can always find the changes with previous versions in the text file installed together with the new Event Master Toolset.  These release notes can also be accessed via myBarco.

For more information on the most recent updates, watch out for a new highlight video on our YouTube channel like this one:

By the way, we’re always curious to hear about your needs so we can upgrade our systems with features that are relevant to users in the field. If you have any ideas or suggestions, please let us know.  

Keep them questions coming

If you have any other burning questions, reach out to us at

You can also join our Facebook community where operators from the field are gladly sharing their experiences and know-how.

And definitely check out our specific Barco University training programs where you really learn to put the pro in processing.


Have fun processing, guys!