2024. 9. 26.

Enhancing access to medical imaging technology in Ghana and Grenada

News · 헬스케어 · 3분 읽기

We recently supported the donation of 10 of our customers’ used Coronis Fusion 6MP displays to healthcare institutions in Ghana and Grenada, with the help of charity organization RAD-AID International. RAD-AID makes access to radiology technology possible in low resource regions in the world.

Donated Barco displays in use at Korle Bu Teaching Hospital in Accra, Ghana

What to do with used medical monitors?

Used diagnostic displays that are not used anymore—what should we do with them? It’s a question our customers sometimes ask us. Traditionally, these displays would be discarded. But in some cases, they are still in good working condition and, after recalibration, these displays are still an improvement to the consumer displays or tablets that are often used in low resource regions to view medical images.

RAD-AID’s mission

RAD-AID focuses on low-resource hospitals in low- and middle-income countries, where access to medical technology remains a challenge. Their tireless efforts extend to underserved areas within the United States as well. Their mission encompasses education, equipment, infrastructure, and support.

Contributing with Coronis Fusion 6MP displays

Thanks to RAD-AID’s help, we recently supported the donation of 5 of our customers’ used Coronis Fusion 6MP radiology displays to medical institutions in Ghana, and another 5 to Grenada.

Before being sent, the monitors were checked, recalibrated and repackaged at the Barco office in Duluth, Georgia. Upon arrival, the RAD-AID team oversaw installation and provided training to the local healthcare professionals. A double advantage.

Though we are continuously working on optimizing our displays’ end of life processes, they are not yet 100% recyclable. By extending the displays’ lives in this way, it takes longer before they end up as e-waste. And above all, the radiology displays are now living their second life, supporting better health outcomes in these new regions!

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