11 okt. 2018

Cinéma Du Musée illuminates the seventh art with Barco Laser

5 min gelezen

Seeking to offers visitors an “unparalleled experience,” the Montreal Museum of Fine Arts (MMFA) is transforming its Maxwell Cummings Auditorium into a front-row attraction featuring new film releases, documentaries and gatherings to enrich its multidisciplinary cultural offering.

The cinema project completes MMFA’s rich, multi-faceted offering in visual arts, music, artistic and educational programs. Through its collaboration with Cinema Beaubien, the Museum will ensure premium cinema-quality movie presentation, featuring titles in their original language with subtitles, to appeal to a diverse audience.

Pictured at left: Mario Fortin, President of Cinéma du Parc and Nathalie Bondil, Director General and Chief Curator of the MMFA. Photo: MBAM, Jean-François Brière

Renovations have been taking place this summer, with a central focus on the installation of a Barco Laser projector offering superior image quality and resolution in the world-class DCP screening room.

The new cinema is expected to open late September this year.

Main photo:  Michal and Renata Hornstein Pavilion, exterior view. the Montreal Museum of Fine Arts. Photo: Terry Rishel.

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