25 maj 2022

Sustainability in movie theatres. Starring the green Series 4.

ZRÓWNOWAŻONY ROZWÓJ Czas wymagany na przeczytanie: 3 min

As consumers are confronted with more green initiatives in the world around them, that is what movie-goers will (also) look for when choosing which cinema to visit. As an exhibitor, sustainability is no longer a topic that can be easily ignored. Cinemas can actively contribute to climate protection by conducting themselves responsibly with resources. And if you’re looking for sustainable cinema solutions, you’re in the right place. Product in the green spotlight today is the Series 4, our cinema projection platform with an A+ ecolabel.

With numerous benefits to enhance moviegoer experience and creating peace of mind for exhibitors, the Series 4 portfolio is the way to move forward. This 4th generation of Barco laser projectors is designed in close collaboration with industry partners taking into account the market trends in content creation, exhibition and technology. The result? A green laser projection family for all cinema screens.

Designed with planet in mind
Smart power performance

The increased energy consumption due to the use of digital projectors and the accompanying air conditioning (HVAC) systems is one of the main drivers for greener thinking in movie theatres. Energy is no longer simply an internal cost factor.

The integrated projection system delivers an industry-leading energy-efficient performance up to 11.5 lumens per Watt. It also offers the option to switch to ECO-mode, consuming less than 3 Watt, or the stand-by mode which further reduces the energy use to 0.15W!

Reusable materials

The ability to reuse certain modules on the projector as part of its scheduled maintenance cycle is often overlooked as a potential green aspect.

The Series 4 laser projectors have no consumables. Instead, they use reusable components, like reusable air filters: the service technician can easily blow off, vacuum and/or rinse these and put the same module back into the projector. This is not only the most eco-efficient approach; feedback from customers with a mixed installed base confirm that it is also the most cost-efficient.

The logistics of laser projection

In 2014, Barco was the first to release a laser projector in the cinema market. The laser light source has many benefits compared to its lamp predecessors. You can cut costs up to 70% by reducing your power consumption, minimizing heat dissipation, and increasing operational efficiency.

But the laser light source is also much smaller than a lamp, which significantly optimizes the logistic part during maintenance. Additionally, the Series 4 projector also includes compact modules and spare parts.

Next-level modularity

When designing our products, we look for ways to deliver durable and long-living solutions. A modular product design, for instance, enables lifetime extension and easier serviceability. Witness the true modularity of the Series 4 projectors in this video.

And with the Series 4 projectors, Barco takes its renowned modularity even beyond the projector, inside the light source. Easy, field-swappable and cost-efficient laser plates reduce your total cost of ownership.


In observing evolving trends around and inside the cinema market, it is clear that energy-efficient and eco-friendly product design is gaining momentum. If the cinema market wants to catch up with other industries, it will have to step up. Today’s leading exhibitors are reaching out to their suppliers and vendors not only to discuss the quality of the presentations but also how every part of their cinema value chain is working to support the green value proposition.

Interested in our ecoscoring program? Learn more about how it works here.