24 de set de 2013
Disclosure in accordance with the provisions of the Act of 2 May 2007: Transparency law
Regulated information
Notification of participations on 23 September 2013
Kortrijk, Belgium, 24 September 2013 - Dr. Ir. Urbanus Vandeurzen, Dr. Ir. U. VANDEURZEN MANAGEMENT FIRM N.V., Jachthuislaan 19, 3210 Lubbeek, and Gimv N.V., Karel Oomsstraat 37, 2018 Antwerp, have notified Barco that as of 17 September 2013 they have agreed to act in concert, as a result of which the threshold of 10% has been exceeded:
Dr. Ir. U. VANDEURZEN MANAGEMENT FIRM N.V.: 369,861 shares, i.e. 2.85%
Gimv N.V.: 1,249,921 shares, i.e. 9.63%
The limited liability company Dr. Ir. U. VANDEURZEN MANAGEMENT FIRM is controlled by Dr. Ir. Urbanus Vandeurzen, who has no (direct) participation in the issuer.
The limited liability company Gimv is not controlled.
About Barco
Barco, a global technology company, designs and develops visualization products for a variety of selected professional markets. Barco has its own facilities for Sales & Marketing, Customer Support, R&D and Manufacturing in Europe, North America and Asia Pacific. Barco (NYSE Euronext Brussels: BAR) is active in more than 90 countries with more than 3,900 employees worldwide. Barco posted sales of 1.156 billion euro in 2012.
© Copyright 2013 by Barco
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Inge Govaerts - Corporate Communications Officer
Corporate Communications Officer
+32 56 36 80 52 inge.govaerts@barco.comReceba as últimas notícias sobre serviços e produtos
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