17 de abr de 2019

Barco announces healthy first quarter growth

Investidores · 1 minutos de leitura

Barco is pleased to announce that all of its divisions delivered growth for the first quarter of the year. The company booked 269.0 million euro of incoming orders, which is an increase of 10.0% year-over-year. 

"I’m pleased to see that the progress we are making translates into healthy first quarter topline results. After working on portfolio choices and turnarounds over the past 2 years and redeploying resources towards new product offerings and commercial capabilities, we are re-establishing growth and continuing our drive to become a sustainable profitable growth company.”
Jan De Witte. Barco CEO


The Enterprise division produced another quarter of solid growth fueled by continued strong momentum for both ClickShare, as well as Control Rooms which delivered its third consecutive quarter of year-over-year sales growth. 


Sales for the Entertainment division were stronger than last year led by further uptakes in Cinema in North America and EMEA. 


The Healthcare division continued to post solid results in all segments. 

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