Presentations, demos and testimonials
Barco’s Brazilian AVS partners were treated to two days of presentations, workshops and trainings, distributed along two tracks: ‘control rooms and surveillance’ and ‘VR and collaboration’. The one-day event for both customers and partners zoomed in on advanced visualization systems (including networked and scientific visualization) and explored the world of video walls and the ‘smart’ campus. Highlights were the demos of Barco’s AVS solutions and the testimonials of satisfied customers: Petrobras, Brazil’s leading oil company, and PUC/Tecgraf university explained how the introduction of Barco’s Galaxy NW-12 and Galaxy NH-12 projectors, respectively, have helped them take 24/7 monitoring and R&D to new levels.
Trusted partner of Petrobras
Highlights during the customer/partner event were the demos of Barco’s AVS solutions and the testimonials of satisfied customers. PUC/Tecgraf university explained how the introduction of Barco’s Galaxy NH-12 projectors have helped them take R&D to new levels. In addition, Marcos Albagli, Senior Consultant at Petrobras, testified how the expansion and upgrade of its video wall from 12 to 24 cubes 50" rear-projectors, has further reinforces the presence of Barco as its trusted supplier of display systems for telecommunications: "Barco supplied the first video walls to Petrobras, back in 1992. Our partnership has been successful ever since. Barco really is a reliable company, which always meets our needs quickly and efficiently. Their sales and post-sales team is great, just like their product line which specializes in large-scale visualization.”
Growing infrastructure and safety needs
Brazil is a country in full development with growing infrastructure needs. Upcoming sports events, like the 2014 FIFA World Cup and the 2016 Olympic Games, will require large investments as well as intensified safety measures, from both the authorities and private companies. The opportunities for business are, in other words, significant. The AVS Partner Days were a unique chance for Barco to demonstrate how its AVS solutions can help Brazilian businesses and public authorities.
Special guest: Pieter De Crem
At the time of the AVS Partner Days, Belgian Defense Minister Pieter De Crem was in Latin America to promote Belgian industry and intensify international relations. He was happy to drop by the seminar in Rio to meet with customers and partners of Barco, which has been firmly rooted in Belgium since its incorporation in 1934.

Copyright Picture: BE Defence / Malek AZOUG