Media rooms

There is nothing like a well-designed living room to enjoy family time and entertaining loved ones. It’s also one of the best places to showcase your design aesthetic by experimenting with color palettes, layers of texture and patterns and a variety of furniture layouts.
It’s meant to be comfortable, inviting, and full of style but most importantly a place for family and friends to meet, have fun and relax. 

Visible technology in a living room will in most cases detract from a well-designed space. Each living room has a different set of circumstances, and integrating a big screen, projector and speakers into the space, it can seem like a daunting task as every installation is different...

How does Barco Residential fit into this story?

Together with our partners, we can offer customized and architecturally integrated video solutions that go far beyond what any massproduced TV or home theater solution can offer. 
With early involvement in the design process, our Custom Integration partners can offer solutions that take into account all design elements in the room and allow creation of large screen visual experiences that can be hidden when not in use. Turn your living room into a large screen Home Theater or Gaming Space with the click of a button or a voice command, and just as easily turn it back into a living room.

Balder architectural integrated inside the ceiling, using an MMD from Display Technologies. When not in use, technology is completely hidden.

Medea built into the back wall using a vertical mirror mount from Display Technologies. Screen provided by Stewart Filmscreen. All technology hidden when not in use.

Window on the world

"Window on the World" is essentially a digital canvas that we use to create something ranging from resembling an actual window to mapping an entire wall in rooms that have less "real windows" or where you just want to create that fun experience. It opens up the experience of having ‘pushed over the wall’ and takes away the notion of ‘screen’, which fundamentally changes how people experience it.

Imagine using that to create a life-size ocean, your favorite city view, a castle or even an aquarium. This could also be used to bring the client’s own ocean view streamed from their beach home into their city residence, for example.