
WEEE compliance Norway

Collection and Recycling Arrangements in Norway

The Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE) Directive is a European Directive which requires producers to make arrangements for the collection and recycling of WEEE. The Directive is transposed into national law by EU Member States. Norway is not a member of the European Union and therefore has no obligation to follow the WEEE Directive. However, similar legislation is in force in this country. 

As part of the regulatory system in Norway, the Ministry of Environment has approved two large collective compliance schemes (Norsirk and RENAS which between them account for 94% of WEEE collection and recycling in Norway) and a smaller compliance scheme (Eurovironment which is run by 14 producers of IT equipment). 

Barco has joined local compliance scheme Norsirk in Norway. Please contact Norsirk directly to understand what arrangements have been made to allow Barco customers to send waste equipment for recycling: 

Elretur AS 

Address: Pb. 6454 Etterstad, 0605 Oslo, Norway 

Phone: +47 40 00 42 01 

Email: adm@norsirk.no

Website: www.norsirk.no

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Beneluxpark 21
BE-8500 Kortrijk, Belgium
Tel: +32 56 23 32 11

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Pres.Kennedypark 35
BE-8500 Kortrijk, Belgium
Tel: +32 56 23 32 11