
WEEE compliance Spain

Collection and Recycling Arrangements in Spain

Under the Spanish Royal Decree 208/2005 on Electrical and Electronic Equipment and Management of its Waste which came into force on August 13th 2005 (as Recast by the Royal Decree on Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment 110/2015), for equipment that you buy from Barco after August 13th 2005, Barco is required to provide arrangements for the collection, treatment, recycling and recovery of the waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE) that your new purchase replaces, on a one-for-one, like-for-like basis. The old equipment that your new purchase from Barco replaces is referred to as Historic WEEE.

Under the Decree, Barco is also required to provide arrangements for the collection, treatment, recycling and recovery of any new electrical and electronic equipment that you buy from Barco after August 13th 2005, when that new equipment eventually becomes waste. This is referred to as new WEEE. 

In Spain, Barco has joined the EcoTic compliance scheme to manage all aspects of WEEE collection and recycling. Barco's Registry Number for WEEE compliance in Spain is the following: Registro RII-AEE número 7692. Please contact EcoTic directly to understand what arrangements have been made to allow Barco customers to send waste equipment for recycling:


Address: Avda. Diagonal 467, 1º-1ª, 08036 Barcelona, Spain 

Tel: +34 934.194.048 

Fax: +34 934.194.567 

Mail: ecotic@ecotic.es

Website: www.EcoTic.es

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Barco company address

Beneluxpark 21
BE-8500 Kortrijk, Belgium
Tel: +32 56 23 32 11

Barco registered office

Pres.Kennedypark 35
BE-8500 Kortrijk, Belgium
Tel: +32 56 23 32 11