2013. 2. 21.

New issue of company magazine is out now

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Barco's company magazine red. is now a 100% digital issue. This offers a total multimedia experience, allowing you to watch videos, explore websites and browse through photos all with a click of a button. Do this via your computer or on your iPad, using the highly attractive app.


A journey through the highlights of visualization

The new issue of red. once again takes you through the highlights of today's visualization. From the sandy beaches of Turkey (the country in the spotlights), over the streets of Rio de Janeiro, to "a galaxy far, far away" (with an article on the annual Star Wars Celebration). In short, red. gives you a both interesting and entertaining view on professional visualization in general, and Barco's activities in particular.

You can find the full version of the magazine through the links below:

• red.9 app
• red.9 e-book
• red.9 pdf

Featured articles - issue 9

• Secrets of projection mapping unveiled 
• Discover ClickShare 
• New Barco University courses
• Bedside terminals or mobile devices? 
• Focus on Turkey

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