3 ways to improve breast cancer screening
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Most government health bodies recommend women undergo regular mammography, but it is also widely accepted that standard mammography screening has limitations. How can breast screening be improved, generating better results for patients?
1. Combine mammograms with other modalities
According to the UK’s Royal College of Radiology, the use of ultrasound in combination with conventional mammography in women with dense breasts is associated with an increase in detection of early breast cancer and a reduction in the interval cancer rate. The ability to view different modality screens side by side supports radiologists in making accurate diagnoses, using a wider range of information.
2. Breast Tomosynthesis
An exciting development is the growing use of digital breast tomosynthesis (DBT). Several large trials are underway, but early studies show that rates of false positives decreased and rates of cancer detection increased by using DBT. Combined use of DBT and digital mammography leads to improved diagnostic imaging – and better outcomes for women as well as more efficient use of healthcare resources.