2015. 11. 15.

4K end-to-end solutions for the operating room

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The resolution and level of detail enabled by 4K technology is truly amazing! Depth perception is better too – and contrast and differences in color are clearer. It’s as good as an open surgery.

Dr. Mathieu D’Hondt

AZ Groeninge hospital, Kortrijk, Belgium

Lifelike images

4K not only brings better resolution to the screen, but a wider color gamut in which black is black – which leads to more detail-rich, color-correct images for better differentiation of fine tissue types and structures, such as blood vessels, lesions, nerves etc. 

Better depth perception

Experience a wider spectrum of color, with more contrast, and a higher level of detail. And immerse yourself into a world of images that surpass the experience of open surgery. 

4x the information

4K can show multiple modalities on one screen without the risk of losing image quality through scaling or distortion. 4K also helps to display more user information on a screen at one time – vital signs, patient information, and so on – providing you with the information you need in a single glance.

Why Barco?

In order to get a good image, the 4K end-to-end process, from image acquisition to streaming, presentation and recording, is important. Barco offers a range of 4K surgical displays as well as an OR-over-IP management platform for end-to-end uncompressed streaming of 4K images, inside the operating room and between ORs.

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