2017. 4. 18.

A brighter way for radiologists to increase detection (VIDEO)

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The best way to enhance visibility of clinical details in an image is to increase display brightness. That’s exactly what I-Luminate,TM Barco’s unique system to temporarily boost display luminance, does.

The idea behind I-Luminate is as simple as it is effective. By increasing the display brightness, the number of Just Noticeable Differences, i.e. the threshold at which a change on the screen is perceived, increases, enabling faster inspection and detection of smaller objects. 

To give you an idea of what this can mean in terms of clinical outcomes: when I-Luminate is used with our Coronis Uniti® display, it increases the detection probability of micro calcifications by up to 30%!1 In addition, by making subtle details more visible, you can also reduce windowing and leveling time, which has a huge impact on workflow efficiency and clinical productivity.

Intuitive workflow tools for your medical display

In this video, you’ll learn how to use I-LuminateTM with your medical display in order to enhance your reading experience and clinical accuracy.

Watch our how-to video


1 Tom Kimpe and Albert Xthona. "Quantification of detection probability of microcalcifications at increased display luminance levels." Breast Imaging. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2012. 490-497.