2021. 3. 3.

Try Barco Projector Management Suite – for free!

서비스 · 2분 읽기

Manage your subscription from the dashboard

With the idea to make things as easy as possible for you, the platform enables complete subscription management from the Insights Management Suite dashboard itself. Customers can purchase subscriptions to the Management Suite for one or more projectors, initiate upgrades and/or downgrades of those subscriptions or activate free trial licenses – all directly from the application dashboard! Quick and easy!

A free 90-day trial of the Control subscription

The Insights Management Suite is based on a subscription model with three levels: Monitor, Diagnose and Control.

The first level Monitor is automatically included for free in the purchase of your projector for the first 2 years of usage. But now all registered projectors also have the opportunity to sign up for a free trial license for 3 months containing all the Control subscription features so you can fully experience the benefits of the Barco Insights Management Suite.

Why should you try Barco Insights Management Suite Control?

With the Control subscription, you’ll have access to the full package. Significantly reduce unexpected costs by scheduling maintenance visits proactively based on the health information in the dashboard with unlimited history. Avoid downtime by solving potential risks before they turn into failures thanks to e-mail warning notifications. before a projector even gets a chance to break down. And integrate the Barco Management Suite projector data into your own tools and processes via a secure API.

How can I register for this free trial?

As mentioned above, signing up for trials is piece-of-cake and can be managed from the Insights Management Suite dashboard. Go to this link and log in with your myBarco credentials. Check the dashboard overview of your projector serial numbers and click the button to activate the free trial. 

So now you’re all up-to-date, why don’t you give it a try yourself?