The Financial Times recognizes Barco as one of Europe’s Climate Leaders
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For the second year now, the renowned newspaper Financial Times lists the European companies that contributed most to the prevention of global warming. Barco is very proud to have made the list, 1 of only 4 Belgian companies, and within the top 10 in the Technology & Electronics sector.
The Financial Times and Statista based their list on multiple criteria – including reduction of core emissions intensity, CDP (Carbon Disclosure Project) rating and Participation in Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi). These are important indications of the company’s efforts to fight global warming. Although the FT and Statista don’t claim that their score is a perfect representation of companies’ contribution to a cleaner environment, it does give a clear indication of the efforts done.
“We are very proud to see that our sustainability efforts are being recognized and rewarded by established organizations like The Financial Times and Statista,” says An Saveyn, Strategic Initiatives Manager at Barco. “This is a clear signal that we are on the right track, and gives us the positive vibe to continue along the path we have embarked on.”
Top 20% on S&P Global Rating
Next to the excellent result on the Europe’s Climate Leaders list, Barco scored well in the 2021 S&P Global Corporate Sustainability Assessment. Barco is ranked in the top 20% of its industry. The assessment focuses on three dimensions: Governance & economic dimension, Environmental dimension and Social dimension. Investors as well as customers increasingly evaluate these ESG factors in their considerations, so this is becoming a key priority for companies.