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모든 필터 지우기
0.37~0.4:1 UST 90°용 G 렌즈 지원
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0.69인치 DC2K 1.2-1.7
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0.69인치 DC2K 1.2-1.7
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0.98” DC2K(1.2-1.8)
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1.5kW 제논 램프 NW-7
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1.38” DC4K(1.13-1.66)
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3D 안경
일회용 3D 아이실드 및 실드 프레임
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3rd-party TLD lens adapter
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220 W UHP 프로젝터 램프
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220W UHP IR 프로젝터 램프
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220W UHP 프로젝터 램프
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300W UHP IR 프로젝터 램프
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300W UHP IR 프로젝터 램프
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300W UHP 프로젝터 램프
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300W UHP 프로젝터 램프
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330 W UHP 프로젝터 램프
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350W UHP 프로젝터 램프
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400W 교체용 램프 1번
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400W 교체용 램프 2번
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ASL 6500W XD6500 HP/G
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Adapter plate for DP3000, DP2K-B, DP4K-B, and SP4K-B series pedestal
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B 렌즈 1.35-1.86(1.38" DMD) / 1.49-2.06(1.2" DMD) / 1.90–2.62(0.98" DMD)
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B-렌즈 1.13-1.72(1.38” DMD) / 1.25-1.90(1.2” DMD) / 1.59–2.42(0.98” DMD)
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B-렌즈 1.46-2.10(1.38” DMD) / 1.61-2.31(1.2” DMD) / 2.06–2.96(0.98” DMD)
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B-렌즈 1.65-2.60(1.38” DMD) / 1.82-2.86(1.2” DMD) / 2.32–3.66(0.98” DMD)
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B-렌즈 2.00-3.35(1.38” DMD) / 2.21-3.70(1.2” DMD) / 2.82–4.72(0.98” DMD)
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B-렌즈 2.53-4.98(1.38” DMD) / 2.80-5.50(1.2” DMD) / 3,56–7,01(0.98” DMD)
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B-렌즈 HC 1.13-1.72(1.38” DMD) / 1.25-1.90(1.2” DMD) / 1.59–2.42(0.98” DMD)
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B-렌즈 HC 1.35-1.86(1.38” DMD) / 1.49-2.06(1.2” DMD) / 1.90–2.62(0.98” DMD)
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B-렌즈 HC 1.46-2.10(1.38” DMD) / 1.61-2.31(1.2” DMD) / 2.06–2.96(0.98” DMD)
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B-렌즈 HC 1.65-2.60(1.38” DMD) / 1.82-2.86(1.2” DMD) / 2.32–3.66(0.98” DMD)
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B-렌즈 HC 2.00-3.35(1.38” DMD) / 2.21-3.70(1.2” DMD) / 2.82–4.72(0.98” DMD)
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B-렌즈 VHC HDR 1.13~1.72(1.38" DMD) / 1.25~1.90(1.2" DMD) / 1.58~2.41(0.98" DMD)
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B-렌즈 VHC HDR 1.35~1.84(1.38" DMD) / 1.49~2.03(1.2" DMD) / 1.89~2.58(0.98" DMD)
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B-렌즈 VHC HDR 1.45~2.10(1.38" DMD) / 1.60~2.32(1.2" DMD) / 2.03~2.94(0.98" DMD)
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B-렌즈 VHC HDR 1.65~2.70(1.38" DMD) / 1.82~2.98(1.2" DMD) / 2.31~3.78(0.98" DMD)
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B-렌즈 VHC HDR 1.98~3.40(1.38” DMD) / 2.19~3.76(1.2” DMD) / 2.77~4.76 (0.98” DMD)
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Barco LCD 센서
의료 디스플레이용 고정밀 색도계
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C-렌즈 1.2-1.8(0.98” DMD)
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C-렌즈 1.4-2.05(0.98” DMD)
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C-렌즈 1.6-2.5(0.98” DMD)
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C-렌즈 1.9-3.2(0.98” DMD)
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C-렌즈 2.4-3.9(0.98” DMD)
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CLM HD/W6 spare lamp
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CLM adaptor plate (to be used with R9849999)
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CLM 교체용 램프 1팩
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CLM 교체용 램프 4팩
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CXP I/O 카드
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DP2K-6E 프로젝터 램프
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DP Fiber AOC Cable
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DisplayPort 1.2 Quad 입력 카드
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Dual Lamp Package for iQ Series (250W)
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Dual lamp package for iCon H400/H250
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E2/S3 전원 장치
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EC 210 업그레이드 키트
EC-210의 모든 기능을 사용하려면 EC-200 이벤트 컨트롤러를 업그레이드하세요. 키트에는 다음이 포함됩니다.
* 새로운 마더 보드
* M2 SATA 드라이브
* 전원 버튼
* 업그레이드를 수행하는 데 필요한 모든 케이블.
EC 200에서 EC 210으로 업그레이드하는 방법에 대한 지침은
여기에서 찾을 수 있습니다
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EC-50 방진 커버
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EC-50 플라이트 케이스
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EC-200 방진 커버
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Events Communicator
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F70/F90 프레임용 BME P MTR
동력 공급 키트
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F400 렌즈 홀더 어댑터
F400 및 FS400에서 사용하기 위해 FLDX 렌즈를 조정하는 방법
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F 램프 330W
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FLC 1.1~1.61:1(EN83) 렌즈
Fx400용 와이드 줌 렌즈 - 인덱싱 인코더 포함
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FLD 3.8 - 6.5 : 1(EN16)
4.1 - 7.1:1 (SX+) / 3.8 - 6.5: 1 (WUXGA)
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FLD+1.2 - 1.7:1 (EN63)
F35/F70/F90: 1.12 - 1.58 : 1 (WUXGA) / 1.2 - 1.7: 1(WQXGA/4K UHD)/ F80: 1.68 - 2.38: 1(WQXGA/4K UHD)(F80이 FLD/FLD+ 렌즈 어댑터를 필요로 함)
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FLD+ 2.5 - 4.6(EN44)
2.33 - 4.3: F70 및 F90용 1(WUXGA) / 2.5 - 4.6(WQXGA) 3.51 – 6.45: 1(WQXGA 및 4K UHD)(FLD 시리즈 렌즈 어댑터 필요), F80의 경우
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FLD+ Long Focus 0.8 - 1.21 : 1 (EN45)
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FLDX 0.8 - 1.21:1(EN66) 단초점
WUXGA 0.75 - 1.13 : 1 WQXGA/4K 0.80 - 1.21 : 1 F80: 1.12 - 1.70 : 1 (WQXGA/4K UHD) (F80은 렌즈 어댑터 R9801442 필요)
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FLDX 0.8 : 1 (EN62) 렌즈
F40/F70/F90용 광각 고정 렌즈
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FLDX 0.9 : 1.3(EN76) 렌즈
F40/F70/F90용 근거리 줌 렌즈
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FLDX 0.61:1(EN67)
초점 범위: 0.5~4.0m
투사 비율
WUXGA 0.57:1
WQXGA/4K 0.61:1
F80: 0.85:1(WQXGA/4K UHD)
(F80은 렌즈 어댑터 R9801442 필요)
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FLDX 1.2~1.7:1(EN63)
WUXGA 1.12~1.58:1 WQXGA/4K 1.20~1.70:1 F80: 1.59~2.24:1(WQXGA/4K UHD)(F80은 FLD/FLD+ 렌즈 어댑터 필요)
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FLDX 1.7 - 2.5:1(EN61)
WUXGA 1.58-2.33:1 WQXGA/4K 1.70-2.50:1 F80: 2.38 - 3.51: 1 (WQXGA/4K UHD) (F80은 렌즈 어댑터 R9801442 필요)
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FLDX 2.5~4.6(EN64) 렌즈
인코더가 포함된 롱 줌 렌즈
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FLDX 렌즈 0.38:1 UST 90°
WUXGA 1.12-1.58:1 WQXGA/4K 1.20-1.70:1 F80: 1.68 - 2.38: 1 (WQXGA/4K UHD) (F80이 FLD/FLD+ 렌즈 어댑터를 필요로 함)
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FLM replacement lamp
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FLM 방진 필터(6팩)
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FLM 방진 필터(24팩)
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FLM 플라이트 케이스
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Fiberlink 2 송신기 단일 모드
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Fiberlink 2 송신기 멀티모드
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Fiberlink 2 수신기 단일 모드
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Fiberlink 2 수신기 멀티모드
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Five-cable input
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Fx40 및 Fx400에 대한 렌즈 지원
모션 기반 시뮬레이터에서 렌지 지원하기
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G100 리깅 프레임
G100 시리즈용 리깅 프레임
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G100용 UDX 프레임 어댑터 플레이트
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G100용 카메라 옵션
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G 램프 465W
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G 렌즈 0.37-0.4:1 UST 90˚
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G 렌즈(0.36:1) - UST
초단 배율 렌즈
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G 렌즈(0.75-0.95 : 1) 단거리
(WUXGA 해상도에 최적화됨)
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G 렌즈(0.75~0.95:1) Short Throw + 렌즈 링
(WUXGA 해상도에 최적화)
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G 렌즈(0.95-1.22 : 1)
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G 렌즈(1.22-1.53 : 1)
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G 렌즈(1.26-1.58:1)
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G 렌즈(1.52-2.92 : 1)
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G 렌즈(2.90-5.50 : 1) 울트라 롱 줌
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G 필터
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G-렌즈(0.75-0.95 : 1)
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GC 렌즈(0.65-0.75:1)
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GC 렌즈(0.84~1.02:1)
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GC 렌즈(1.2~1.5:1)
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GC 렌즈(1.5~2.0:1)
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GC 렌즈(1.02~1.36:1)
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GC 렌즈(4.0~7.2:1)
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GC 렌즈(7.2~10.8:1)
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GC+ 렌즈(1.2~1.5:1)
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GC+ 렌즈(1.5~2.0:1)
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GC+ 렌즈(2.0~4.0:1)
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GC+ 렌즈(4.0~7.2:1)
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GLD 0.85-1.06: 1
GLD 프로젝터 렌즈
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GLD 1.06-1.43: 1
GLD 1.06-1.43: 프로젝터 렌즈 1개
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GLD 1.43-2.12: 1
F80: 1.43 - 2.12: 1(WQXGA/4K UHD)
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GLD 1.43-2.12: 비전동식 1개
F80: 1.43 - 2.12: 1(WQXGA/4K UHD)
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GLD 2.12-3.18: 1
F80: 2.12 - 3.18 : 1(WQXGA/4K UHD)
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GLD 렌즈 0.37-0.4:1 UST 90°(지원 키트 포함)
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GLD 렌즈용 렌즈 지원 키트(0.37~0.4:1) UST 90°(F80에서 사용)
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H 램프 350W
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H 렌즈(0.8-1.0)
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H 렌즈(1.3-1.8)
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H 렌즈(1.7-2.3)
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H 렌즈(2.2-2.7)
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H 렌즈(2.8-4.5)
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H 렌즈(4.5-8.7)
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HC LENS 2.53-4.98:1
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HDMI 2.0 쿼드 출력 카드
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HDMI - DVI 케이블(8개)
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HDMI to DVI converter
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HDX HD hepa filter
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HDX carry handle bottom
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HDX carry handle top
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HDX cell phone module
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HDX flight case
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HDX 와퍼 모듈
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HDX-W14 spare lamp house
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ICP(통합 시네마 프로세서)
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ILD 렌즈(0.5:1)
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ILD 렌즈(0.8 - 1.0:1)
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ILD 렌즈(0.37:1)
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ILD 렌즈(0.65 - 0.8:1)
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ILD 렌즈(1.0 - 1.4:1)
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ILD 렌즈(1.4 - 2.1:1)
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ILD 렌즈(2.1 - 4.0:1)
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ILD 렌즈(4.0 - 7.4.0:1)
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ILD 렌즈(4.0 - 7.4:1)
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IR remote control XLR
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IR remote control for CLM
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J 램프 465W
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J 렌즈(1.56-1.86 : 1)
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J 렌즈(1.85-2.4 : 1)
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J 렌즈(2.4-4.0 : 1)
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J 렌즈(4.0-7.0 : 1) 초고배율 줌
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J 필터
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Barco의 LDAT™(Laser Diode Array Tool)는 참조 패턴을 표시하여 디스플레이 채널을 효과적으로 정렬합니다.
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Lamp UHP 250 W for iCon H400/H250
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Lamp Xenon Hi-PER 2500W
이 램프를 사용하려면 우선 램프하우스를 Hiper 램프하우스로 업그레이드해야 합니다.
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Lamp for iQ Series (250W)
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MTP 랙 마운트 어댑터 4개
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MTP 섬유 광학 세척 키트
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Osram 6500W XBO DHP L OFR
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Osram XBO 2500 W/DHP
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Osram XBO 4500 W/DHP L
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Osram XBO 6000 W/DHP XL
Osram XBO 6000 W/DHP XL
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Philips 1200W XDC-1200B
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Philips 2000W XDC-2000B
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Philips 3000W XDC-3001B
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Philips 4000W XDC-4000B
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Philips 4000W XDC-4000BL
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Philips 4500W XDC-4500B
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Philips 6500W XDC-6500BL
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Philips XDC-3000BL
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Plusrite PDXL-2001-B
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Plusrite PDXL-4500-B
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Plusrite PDXL-6000-B
Plusrite PDXL-6000-B
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Plusrite PDXL-6500-B
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QFD (1.27:1)
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RGB HV input for CLM/FLM
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RLM G5i/H5/R6+ 예비 램프
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Refurbished lamp Galaxy NW-7
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S 램프 350W
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S-렌즈 1.5-2.15(0.69" DMD)
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S-렌즈 1.7-2.55(0.69” DMD)
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S-렌즈 1.20-1.70(0.69" DMD)
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S-렌즈 1.34-1.9(0.69" DMD)
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S-렌즈 2.0-3.9(0.69” DMD)
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S-렌즈 HC 1.2-1.7(0.69” DMD)
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S-렌즈 HC 1.5-2.15(0.69” DMD)
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S-렌즈 HC 1.7-2.55(0.69” DMD)
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S-렌즈 HC 1.34-1.9(0.69” DMD)
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S-렌즈 HC 2.0-3.9(0.69” DMD)
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SFP 입력 카드
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TLD C+ 1.2
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TLD+ (0.67:1 WUXGA) (0.73:1 SXGA+)
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TLD+ Ultra(0.86-1.25:1 WU/HD)(0.93-1.33:1 WQ/4KUHD)(0.86-1.25:1 SXGA+)(0.8-1.16:1 2k/4K 0.98" DMD)
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TLD+ Ultra(1.17-1.50:1 WU/HD)(1.25-1.60:1 WQ/4KUHD)(1.25-1.6:1 SXGA+)(1.09-1.4:1 2k/4K 0.98" DMD)
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TLD+ 렌즈(0.39:1 WU/HD)(0.42:1 WQ/4KUHD)(0.38:1 2K/4K 0.98" DMD)
TLD+ 렌즈(0.39:1 WU/HD)(0.42:1 WQ/4KUHD)
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TLD+ 렌즈(WU/HD의 경우 0.67 - 0.88:1)(0.71-0.93:1 WQ/4KUHD)(0.64-0.82:1 2K/4K 0.98" DMD)
TLD+ 렌즈(0.67~0.88:1 WU/HD)(0.71~0.93:1 WQ/4KUHD)
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TLD+ 렌즈용 안전 케이블
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TLD+(1.39 - 1.89:1 WU/HD)(1.49 - 2.03:1 WQ/4KUHD)(1.5 - 2.0:1 SXGA+)(1.3-1.75:1 2K/4K 0.98" DMD)
TLD+ 렌즈(1.39 - 1.87:1 WUXGA)(1,48 - 2,0 WQ/4KUHD)(1.5 - 2.0:1 SXGA+)
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TLD+(1.89 - 2.55:1 WU/HD)(2.02 - 2.73:1 WQ/4KUHD)(2.0 - 2.8:1 SXGA+)(1.75-2.4:1 2K/4K 0.98" DMD)
TLD+ 렌즈(1.87 - 2.56:1 WUXGA)(2.0 - 2.76 WQ/4KUHD)(2.0 - 2.8:1 SXGA+)
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TLD+(2.56 - 4.13:1 WU/HD)(2.74 - 4.43:1 WQ/4KUHD)(2.8 - 4.5:1 SXGA+)(2.4-3.91:1 2K/4K 0.98" DMD)
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TLD+(4.17-6.97:1 WU/HD)(4.42-7.46 WQ/4KUHD)(3.91-7.5:1 SXGA+)(3.91-6.52:1 2K/4K 0.98" DMD)
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TLD+(6.92-10.21:1 WU/HD)(7.41-11.03 WQ/4KUHD)(7.5-11.2:1 SXGA+)(6.5-9.66:1 2K/4K 0.98" DMD)
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UDX IMS 개조 키트(GSM+ Wi-Fi+ SIM)
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UDX 프레임용 전동 키트
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UDX, HDX4k wi-fi module
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UDX/UDM distance meter + camera kit
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UDX/UDM external shutter
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UDX/UDM용 외부 냉각기
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ULC-30A 프로젝터 냉각기
DP4K-L, XDL 및 LLS 프로젝터 시리즈용 단일 냉각기
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UST용 G100 렌즈 지원
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Universal Pedestal (For DP2K-B, DP4K-B and SP4K series)
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Ushio 900W DXL-9BAF
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Ushio 1200W DXL-12BAF
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Ushio 2000W DXL-20BAF
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Ushio 2000W DXL-20BAF2
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Ushio 2000W DXL-20BAF/L
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Ushio 2200W DXL-22BAF
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Ushio 2500W PXL-25BA3
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Ushio 3000W DXL-30BA
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Ushio 3000W DXL-30BA/L
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Ushio 3000W DXL-30BAF
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Ushio 3000W DXL-30BAF/L
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Ushio 4000W DXL-40BAF
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Ushio 4000W DXL-40BAF/L
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Ushio 4500W DXL-45BA
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Ushio 4500W DXL-45BA/L
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Ushio 6000W DXL-60BA
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Ushio 6000W DXL-60BA2/L
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Ushio 6500W DXL-65BA2
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Ushio 6500W DXL-65BA3
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Ushio 7000W DXL-70BA
이 램프는 일부 장치에서만 사용할 수 있습니다. 프로젝터에 부착된 일련 번호를 확인하십시오.
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Ushio DXL-40BAF/LU
Ushio DXL-40BAF/LU
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XLD 렌즈 HC(1.27:1 4K 0.98” DMD)(1.01:1 2K 1.2” DMD)(0.91:1 4K 1.38” DMD)
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XLD 렌즈(0.38 : 1) UST 90°
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XLD 렌즈(1.01:1 4K 0.98” DMD)(0.8:1 2K 1.2” DMD)(0.72:1 4K 1.38” DMD)
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XLD 렌즈(1.27:1 4K 0.98” DMD)(1.01:1 2K 1.2” DMD)(0.91:1 4K 1.38" DMD)
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XLD(5.5 - 8.5)
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XLM 3D Infitec filter set
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XLM HD30용 리퍼브 램프
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XLM HD30용 예비 램프
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XLM flight case
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XLM flight case for two lamps
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XLM rigging kit
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iCon H600 300W UHP lamp (2x)
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iCon H600 300W UHP lamp (one lamp)
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iD(Pro) 시리즈(250W)용 램프
iD R600/iD Pro R600용 250W UHP 램프
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iD(Pro) 시리즈(250W)용 이중 램프 패키지
패키지에는 2개의 iD R600 및 iD Pro R600용 250W UHP 램프가 들어 있습니다.
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iQ7 LENS (1.46-2.95 : 1) STD Manual
WUXGA 0.76" = 1.46 - 2.95 : 1 (iQ7 W)
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광섬유 출력 카드
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근거리 통신 줌 EN24
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두 개의 듀얼 DVI-D 링크
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릴에 견고한 확장 링크 섬유 100미터
OpticalCon MTP24 컨버터에 섬유 TX/RX 모듈 키트 R9004752 및 MTP 필요
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범용 램프하우스 III 4kW
소프트웨어 업데이트 필요
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범용 램프하우스 III 4kW (리퍼브용)
소프트웨어 업데이트 필요
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블랙 램프 도어 표시기(오른쪽)
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블랙 램프 도어 표시기(왼쪽)
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싱글 MTP 스로우다운 박스
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외부 UDX 냉각기용 리깅 프레임
UDX 2대를 위한 외부 냉각기 2대를 장착할 수 있는 리깅 프레임입니다.
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초단 배율 렌즈 FLD+ 0.28:1(EN68)
F35/F70/F90: 0.28 : 1 (1080/WUXGA) 0.30 : 1(WQXGA/4K UHD)
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커뮤니케이터 터치 패널
멀티 유저 버튼 컨트롤
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컨버전스 확장 키트
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타사 TLD 렌즈 어댑터
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타사 렌즈용 렌즈 어댑터 - Christie(B-렌즈 홀더가 있는 SP4K 시리즈 프로젝터용)
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트랜스리시버 키트
트랜스리시버 두 개 포함. Finisar & Broadcom 및 Avago Technologies라는 두 제조업체가 이 물품을 공급할 자격이 있습니다. 또는 Barco 제품 구입시 키트 내에 브랜드가 적혀있습니다.
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표준 줌 렌즈 (315)
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확장 연결 섬유 트랜스리시버 최대 100m(2개)
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확장 연결 케이블, 1미터
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확장 연결 케이블, 5미터
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확장 연결 케이블, 100미터(비특수)
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확장 튜브 8m
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