
AirPlay doesn't work with MDM installed

상품 번호: [4239] - 레거시 코드: [3685]

적용 가능

On the ClickShare CSM-1 or CSC-1, iOS devices configured via Mobile Device Management can connect on the ClickShare WiFi or in the corporate network but can't enable AirPlay. This issue presents itself when MDM has the option to enforce a passcode on first AirPlay pairing enabled. The ClickShare CSM-1 and CSC-1 do not support this option. To enable sharing with Airplay on CSM-1 and CSC-1, "Require Passcode on first AirPlay Pairing" needs to be disabled.

On the ClickShare CS, CSE or CX-range we use the standard passcode support included in the Airplay protocol as of firmware 1.5. Please ensure to update your Base Unit to support MDM managed devices.


Trouble identifying your ClickShare model? Check our overview in [KB7507].


최근 업데이트 2022. 6. 14.