
CX Base Unit not retrieving token - Device token stuck in Retrieving state

상품 번호: [4704] - 레거시 코드: [11899]

적용 가능


When you are in the process of commissioning a CX Base Unit you may encounter this, apparently the CX is stuck in Retrieving (eventually it will clear and go into local mode) - however, it does not retrieve a token.

The issue is that the token is generated in the Azure cloud XMS servers. These servers cannot be reached, resulting in the above screen. 


To clear the issue contact your IT department and have this exception put into your firewall as outbound rules:

1) global.azure-devices-provisioning.net on TCP port 443. 

2) update.cmp.barco.com  TCP port 443

3) assets.cloud.barco.com  TCP port 443

A reboot of the CX Base Unit will initiate the token retrieval process again.


최근 업데이트 2022. 6. 14.