This online certified training using Virtual Classroom covers the installation and the full configuration of the Barco Alchemy ICMP Media Server

Goals: At the conclusion of the class and the successful completion of testing, students will be able to install, integrate and configure the use of the ICMP on a Barco DC projector. 

Target Audience

Helpdesk engineers, Field Service Engineers, system integrators, technicians… 


Recommended but not mandatory:

  • Barco Level 1 Certified “Installation and basic maintenance Xenon”
  • Barco Level 1 Certified “Update on Smart Laser”
  • Barco Level 1 Certified “Installation and basic maintenance Smart and Flagship Laser”

Some of the topics are:

  • Key specifications and features
  • Installation process
  • Integration in the cinema ecosystem
  • Software configuration
  • Software update
    Barco Certified - ICMP (valid for 2 years from date of issuance)
    자세한 내용
    기간: 4 hours with a break of 30 minutes
    가격: €450
    사용 언어: en

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