This e-learning course provides an introduction to Barco’s Intuitive workflow toolset, designed to increase focus during reading sessions, improve reading ergonomics, and accelerate radiologists’ workflow

The course will cover the system settings control panel and the features of each of the workflow tools. Additionally an overview of the installation of the drivers and software is provided.

Target Audience
Sales, Support, Diagnostic display end users (eg Radiologists)




    On completion of the course the learner will be fully aware of what tools are available, their function and how to use them 

        This course is part of the Healthcare Sales curriculum
        자세한 내용
        교육 형식: e-러닝
        기간: 30 minutes
        가격: FOC
        사용 언어: en

        개인 교육 계획, 인증 프로그램을 방문하거나 취득한 인증서를 다운로드하십시오.

        내 교육 대시보드