
Annual general meeting on Thursday 27 April 2023

Regulated information · 投资者关系

Kortrijk, Belgium, 27 April 2023, 6:00 pm - Barco held its Annual General Meeting on 27 April 2023 in Kortrijk, Belgium.

Shareholders approved all agenda items.

Details of the voting results will be available on www.barco.com/about/corporate-governance

We make reference to the agenda as shared in the convening of the annual general meeting and more specifically the topics regarding dividend, remuneration report, and composition of the board of directors.


Following the proposal of the Board of Directors the General Meeting approved the gross dividend over 2022 at 44 eurocents (€ 0.44) per fully paid-up share.

  • Ex-Dividend Trading date: Monday 8 May 2023
  • Record date: Tuesday 9 May 2023
  • Payment date: Wednesday 10 May 2023

Approval of the remuneration report and stck option plans 2023

The general meeting has approved the remuneration report with respect to the fiscal year ending December 31, 2022. This report is included in the Corporate Governance report of Barco’s annual report 2022: https://ir.barco.com/2022/uploads/files/PDF/Barco-IR2022-CGR.pdf

The general meeting authorizes the Board of Directors to issue new stock option plans in 2023 within the limits specified in ‘Options Barco 16 – CLT 2023’ and ‘Options Barco 16 – Personnel 2023’ (maximum 500.000 options).


The General meeting approved the re-appointment of Mr. Frank Donck as independent director as defined in art. 7:87 CCA, of Mr. Charles Beauduin as director, of Mrs. An Steegen as director and of Adisys Corporation, permanently represented by Mr. Ashok K. Jain as independent director, for a period of four (4) years from the closing of this general meeting until the closing of the ordinary general meeting of 2027.

The General meeting also approved the appointment of Lord James Sassoon as independent director as defined in art. 7:87 CCA for a period of three (3) years from the closing of this general meeting until the closing of the ordinary general meeting of 2026.

The presentation of the general meeting is available on


About Barco

Barco is a global company with headquarters in Kortrijk (Belgium). Our visualization and collaboration technology helps professionals accelerate innovation in the healthcare and enterprise and entertainment markets. We count over 3,000 visioneers, whose passion for technology is captured in over 500 unique patents.

Barco is a listed company (Euronext: BAR; Reuters: BARBt.BR; Bloomberg: BAR BB) and realized sales of 1,058 million euro in 2022.

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Barco. Visioneering a bright tomorrow.

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Press contacts

Willem Fransoo

Willem Fransoo

Director Investor Relations

+32 56 26 23 22 willem.fransoo@barco.com