Change history
January 2025
Product Privacy Statement
Added “Encore3” to the product specific section.
July 2024
Product Privacy Statement
Removal of “Video Wall Management Suite”
CCTV Privacy Statement
Barco created a specific CCTV privacy statement for the data which Barco collects through the CCTV system
March 2024
Privacy policy
Added ‘your telephone number’ to sections 3.6 and 3.10
Product Privacy Statement
Replaced the ‘data processing addendum’ with a new version
January 2024
Product Privacy Statement
Cinionic Cloud insights Dashboard has been removed from the product specific section
December 2023
Product Privacy Statement
Barco CTRL and Cinionic Cloud insights Dashboard have been added to the product specific section
November 2023
Cookie policy
General update of Barco’s cookie policy with the introduction of a new cookie banner and the new Cookie preference settings
Product Privacy Statement
Added BPT (Barco Peripheral Test) for Alliance Partners to the product specific section.
October 2023
Privacy policy
The last section of the website privacy policy has been updated with specific appeal wording and the right to submit a complaint
Product privacy statement
The general section has been updated with specific appeal wording and the right to submit a complaint
April 2023
Privacy policy
General update of Barco’s website Privacy policy with the introduction of the new Barco website. The different processing purposes under section 3 ‘When, why and which personal data do we process about you?’ were made more clear, specific paragraphs on chatbot, social media and star rating were added. A new section 7 was created on the ‘collection and use of children’s personal data’. The section on ‘who had access to your personal data’ was expanded and a specific paragraph on transfer within the Barco group was added.
Cookie policy
General update of Barco’s cookie policy with the introduction of the new Barco website.
January 2023
Product privacy statement
UniSee present for Windows (UPW) and Enterprise Virtual Matrix (EVM) have been removed under Section 4 For what purposes does Barco process the data? of the general section.
Barco Pulse Mobile App has been added to the product specific section
November 2022
Product privacy statement
Some changes were made to the General information; changed the paragraph under Section 5 ‘Access to the data?’ regarding transfer of data and adequate protection and added a new section 8 on ‘Collection and use of children’s personal data’. The product specific sections of WeConnect, XMS Cloud and Demetra have been updated.
Recruitment & selection privacy statement
The Recruitment & selection privacy statement has been updated with specific wording regarding the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) under Section 5, 7 and 10.
June 2022
Product privacy statement
Some small changes made to the product specific sections of XMS Cloud and Projector Management Suite and an update of the product specific section of Web Analyzer, to provide more clarity on what Web Analyzer is and how data is being processed when using Web Analyzer. A new product specific section has been added regarding Helios. Helios is a new Barco cloud application that is designed to monitor projector usage in support of SmartCare warranty contracts.
General update of the cookie policy
March 2022
General update of the cookie policy
February 2022
Product privacy statement
A specific paragraph on transfer of personal data has been added to the general section.
Overture Cloud and Barco Synergi have been removed from the product specific section, as these products have become end of life
The product specific section of NexxisCare has been updated with a new purpose on receiving email notifications based on consent
November 2021
Product privacy statement
Projection Insights in the product specific section has been changed into Projector Management Suite
The product specific section of ClickShare has been updated with a specific paragraph on PresentSense
May 2021
Product privacy statement
NexxisLive has been added to the product specific section
The name of Wall Connect Cloud has been changed into Video wall Management
The product specific section of XMS Cloud, Video wall Management and Secure Stream have been updated with a specific section of informing the key users about updates
March 2021
Cookie policy
The Barco cookie policy has been brought in line with the cookie settings on
Product privacy statement
Web Analyzer has been added to the product specific section
The product specific section of ClickShare has been updated with more information on One Click Join, Feedback Star rating, as well as the data collected by Barco for product improvement purposes.
December 2020
Privacy policy
The privacy policy has been updated with specific wording regarding the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA)
Product privacy statement
MirrorOp has been added to the product specific section and added specific wording regarding the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA)
November 2020
Cookie policy
The cookie policy has been updated with the list of cookies used by
Product privacy statement
General update and added WallConnect to the product specific section
Privacy policy
Added paragraphs on, and under sections 3 and 4
September 2020
Cookie policy
The cookie policy required an update to list the cookies used by
Product Privacy statement
NexxisCare has been added to the product specific section
The product specific section of Demetra required an update because of new privacy settings and a paragraph on Protected Health Information (PHI)
August 2020
Privacy policy
The section 3 Which personal data do we process about you? has been updated with specific information regarding participation in a survey
July 2020
Product privacy statement
The product specific section of Demetra has been updated with the AWS region for the US Cloud instance.
We made some edits to the wording of the product specific section of XMS Cloud
Recruitment and selection privacy statement
With the launch of the new jobsite, Barco’s recruitment and selection privacy statement required an update
June 2020
Product privacy statement
The ClickShare apps have been added to the product specific section of the product privacy statement
March 2020
Cookie policy
The cookie policy has been updated with the third party cookies used specifically for the Demetra webstore (
Product privacy statement
SecureStream is added to the product-specific section.
February 2020
Product privacy statement
Projection Insights is added to the product-specific section. The Demetra part has been updated with a specific paragraph on improving product performance by processing anonymized information
December 2019
Privacy policy
We made edits to the wording of Section 4 d. For administration and organisation of events or webinars for clarification purposes and added to Section 5 Who has access to your personal data? mobile application providers for planning, management and analysis of events/ webinars
November 2019
Product privacy statement
QAWeb Enterprise and Barco Synergi are added to the product-specific section
October 2019
Cookie policy
Barco uses a new cookie from AdRoll for targeted advertising services on its websites for this purpose the cookie policy under section III Which cookies do we use? has been updated with a specific paragraph on AdRoll.
Cookie banner
Updated the cookie banner text as follows “Our website uses targeted cookies to offer you a better-personalised experience. By continuing to browse the site you are agreeing to our use of cookies. learn more
June 2019
Privacy policy
When you use one of Barco’s online tools (ie. Digital Cinema Calculator, Digital Cinema Projector Finder is added to Section 3. i) information provided by you
Product privacy statement
Amazon Web Services Inc. is added as sub-processor to Barco XMS Cloud
May 2019
Product privacy statement
Under the product specific information Section II, the datacentre locations of the different sub-processors have been added
February 2019
Product privacy statement
Barco eXperience Management Service has been changed in Barco XMS Cloud and XMS Cloud is specifically added to section IV of the general part
January 2019
Product privacy statement
Demetra is added to the product-specific section
December 2018
Privacy policy
Added under section III Which personal data do we process about you? i) information provided by you activating license entitlement(s) for our products and changed registering our products
Product privacy statement
- We have listed the products which require registration or license activation through under section 4 For what purposes does Barco process the data?
- We added the following products: Overture Cloud and Barco eXperience Management Service to part II product specific privacy information
October 2018
Privacy policy
- When you register for an event or webinar is added to section III i) information provided by you
- We added a new purpose under section IV For what purposes do we process your personal data, namely the administration and organisation of events or webinars
- Under section V Who has access to your personal data? we also added external organisations providing services for events or webinars as third party
July 2018
Privacy policy
Changed the email address of the Belgian Data Protection Authority
Cookie policy
- We added more information under section III Which cookies do we use? about the specific cookies we use from third parties like Marketo, Google Analytics, Hotjar
- Under section III Which cookies do we use? we also added information about a number of services we use for advertising based on web activity or remarketing like Google Adwords, Bing Ads, Facebook Pixel and LinkedIn ads
Recruitment & selection privacy statement
Changed the email address of the Belgian Data Protection Authority
Product privacy statement
We published a Barco product privacy statement in which we describe what data Barco may collect through its products and how this data is used and protected by Barco
Barco data processing addendum
We also published a data processing addendum which forms part of the online services which Barco provides as a data processor
May 2018
Recruitment & selection privacy statement
- We published a recruitment & selection privacy statement in which we describe how Barco handles and protects personal data of applicants in connection with Barco’s recruitment & selection process
Privacy policy
- Created a document controlled version of the privacy policy
- Under Who has access to your personal data we added language to make it clear that we may share personal data with distributors and resellers who are authorized to sell Barco products in order to provide sales services; and service providers for hosting the websites
Cookie policy
- Created a document controlled version of the cookie policy
- Under section III we added a specific link to the privacy policy of Hotjar
April 2018
Privacy policy
- In Who is responsible for the processing of your personal data we added information about the appointment of Barco’s data protection officer
- Under Which personal data do we process about you we made changes to improve transparency on the ways we collect your data, we clarified in which cases you share your information with us, which information we obtain automatically and when we obtain information from third parties
- In For what purposes do we process your personal data we added a paragraph on how we will keep you informed when you requested a brochure or ordered a product and added a specific section on myBarco account
- Under Who has access to your personal data we listed the third parties with whom we may share your personal data
- As we seek to be more transparent about how long we keep personal data, we set forth criteria we use to determine retention periods in How long do we keep your personal data
- We clarified What are your rights and how can you exercise them to inform you of your data protection rights
- Additionally, we made edits for grammar and clarity
October 2017
- We published a new privacy policy. We added new elements, but the new policy did not represent a change in practice for Barco
- We created a cookie policy and a cookie pop-up message