GAIL Noida drives efficiency with Barco solutions

Noida, IN · 2020

GAILTEL is the Telecom & Telemetry services arm of India’s largest state-owned natural gas processing and distribution company, GAIL India Ltd. The company provides communication services for its business-critical pipeline, Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA), and Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) for automation of organization-wide business processes. They have a reach of around 13,000 km of OFC network along GAIL’s reliable cross-country pipelines that connects different town and cities across the country. OFC networks were managed by using 14 extended network management PCs with small TFT monitors. For diagnosis of any fault or provisioning of an end to end link in mixed OEM based network, team would visit from one network management PC to other till the identification of fault or completion of end to end link provisioning.

Barco solutions:

  • OverView OLF-721 video wall
  • TransForm N Control Room Management Suite software


Key benefits:

  • IT-friendly IP-based networked media platform
  • Solutions tailored to the specific demands
  • Enabling multi-location distribution of AV-over-IP
  • 80,000 hours LED lifetime in eco mode

GAIL’s National Gas Management Center (NGMC) has been utilizing Barco solutions since 2003. Impressed with the service delivery standards and quality assurance, they decided to partner with Barco for a holistic network operation monitoring solution. They were looking for a solution that simplifies the process and centralizes it to a single workstation.

Confidence driven by assured quality

The OverView OLF-721 is an LED-lit rear projection video wall that helps in reducing the required workforce for GAIL. It delivers excellent quality at optimal pricing, while reducing infrastructural and support requirements with minimal manpower requirements. “The technology has increased efficiency levels by almost 80%. Instead of moving from one OEM network management PC to other, team can diagnose the issue and make provision of link from single workstation supplied by Barco.”, says Mr. B.K. Behera.

OverView OLF-721 video wall modules offer an ergonomically excellent viewing experience, with the sharpest and most saturated colors. The TFN platform supports a fully modular and standard IP-based networked architecture with no single point of failure. It helps in controlling 14 different networks through a single operator, allowing easy video wall management, efficient collaboration and fast decision-making in and beyond any control room. In addition, situational awareness can be pushed or pulled anywhere over the network, making it easier to transmit information.

Continued excellence

With an impressive network-based solution and having given us an excellent previous experience, Barco was not just a choice of convenience, but a clear winner over other competing vendors. The overall installation was done within a record time of one month and the solution is used unfailingly, 24x7.

We have an engineer on site for prompt support and we haven’t faced any product failures for over 2 years of usage. Barco’s customer service is excellent.

BK Behera, Chief Manager, GAILTEL

This one installation has increased efficiency by almost 80%, halved the infrastructural clutter and reinstated our long-standing faith in Barco.

BK Behera, Chief Manager, GAILTEL

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