
Barco shows pathologists the way to the future at ECP 2013

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From 31 August to 4 September, pathologists from all over the world assembled in Lisbon, Portugal, for the 25th European Congress of Pathology (ECP 2013). They were treated to a unique scientific program, encompassing no less than 23 topics and four keynote lectures. One of these lectures – written by our very own Tom Kimpe and delivered by Albert Xthona – touched upon the use of displays for digital pathology.


A peek into the future
Organized by the European Society of Pathology and the Portuguese Society of Pathology/Portuguese Division of the International Academy of Pathology, this year’s edition of ECP was held under the motto ‘Pathology: a gate to the future’. Hence, the aim of the event: to guide bold and daring pathologists and their patients through unchartered waters towards a promising future.

Digital pathology on display
As a global market leader in visualization for healthcare, Barco is more than happy to partake in this mission. That’s why, on Sunday evening, Albert Xthona gave a compelling lecture on display systems for digital pathology. While the use of medical displays has become quite common in pathology, there is still a need for clear guidelines on specifications. Together with the audience, Albert discussed some of the clinical and workflow considerations in using displays  for pathology. He concluded that certain solutions can offer the same level of clinical performance as obtained by optical microscopes.

Meet Barco’s partners
Of course, many of Barco’s renowned industry partners were present at the event as well. A lot of their stands featured exclusive Barco products, including the Coronis 6MP and 4MP and the Nio Color 3MP diagnostic display systems, the MDRC-2124 clinical display and the MXRT-5450 display controller. The exhibition was a great opportunity for attendees to experience Barco’s cutting-edge solutions for digital pathology at first hand.

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