Barco UniSee II (Halloween special): the choice of the undead
Halloween · 控制中心 · 3 分钟阅读
To all vampires out there: we want to apologize. When writing articles, we try to target the most relevant personas. But somehow, we never targeted you. So, because it’s Halloween, we want to put you in the center of attention and dedicate this complete article to why Barco UniSee II is the best choice for your video wall.
Vampires and video walls. Although average mortals are unaware, there is an undeniable link between the two. Because of their sensitivity to sunlight, a control room is what they need to keep up to date with their environment. There are a lot of things to monitor: humans that are unsuspiciously roaming the streets alone, vampire hunters, and the occasional angry mob with pitchforks and torches – to give but a few examples.
Black is black
Their aversion to sunlight also means that vampires find delight in the deepest darkness. When lying in their coffins, they don’t want any light peeping through. So imagine their disappointment when they see conventional LCD video walls with their low contrast ratio, making black look like another shade of grey. Enter Barco UniSee II. With its mini-LEDs, that can be controlled to highlight or darken particular areas, the blacks are as dark as the average vampire’s thoughts!
Dark from any angle
Not all vampires live in medieval castles with large, cavernous dungeons. Some prefer the comfort (and the tasty presence of humans) of a life in the city. Although they mostly house in large city mansions, the available space is limited. These restrictions on the infrastructure mean that not every vampire family has the luxury of a dedicated control room. Typically, the video wall is mounted on the split of a bifurcated staircase. Therefore, the video wall needs to be visible from every angle: sharp left and right, but also from above and below.
Barco UniSee II, with its dedicated compensation polarizer, has razor-sharp viewing angles. Not only the colors are preserved, but also the blacks are as deep as the insides of the infamous Count Dracula’s private coffin.
There will be blood
Vampires don’t care much about colors. They’re a thing of humans. There is one exception, however: red. It’s no surprise that the color of blood is the favorite color of just about every undead creature. Because there is a lot to be read in the color of the blood (taste, nutrients, present bacteria, etc.), vampires value total, crimson-clear accuracy. With Barco UniSee II, the colors are vibrant and true-to-life, looking so appetizing as if it was just sucked from a virgin’s carotid artery.
But beware: this delicious display of blood on the screen can hold some dangers! Some vampires can’t contain themselves and start licking the video wall. It is then good to know that the mechanical gap between screens is so small that their fangs can never get stuck in between displays!
If you have any questions about Barco UniSee II, feel free to contact your local Barco sales office. Make sure you are not hungry when you arrive, because we value our staff.
Happy Halloween!