Korbyt & ClickShare

Korbyt Room Solutions for Barco ClickShare Conference

Enhancing Collaboration Spaces, Together.

Unite the strengths of Barco’s Clickshare devices with the capabilities of Korbyt’s digital signage platform to impress, inspire and inform employees, visitors and customers with relevant communications on every meeting room and collaboration space display.

In the spotlight

Collaboration Spaces: Extend your communications to meeting room and collaboration displays. When your meeting room and collaboration displays are not in use, maximize your reach and engage employees with targeted, digital signage content and information that informs, educated and activates your workforce.

Digital Signage: Korbyt Anywhere is an intelligent content management system (CMS) that enables ultimate control for your digital signage. Choose from a vast library of pre-existing templates or use Korbyt Anywhere’s Photoshop-like design tools to create new static or dynamic layouts with your choice of images, video, text, and data.

Mobile & Web: Reach your hybrid workforce no matter where they are located with Korbyt’s enterprise mobile app and modern intranet. Create content in multiple formats, publish once, and connect your people to personalized, relevant content and information that increase engagement, productivity, and retention.

Combining ClickShare and the Korbyt Anywhere platform is a great way to maximize the return on investment of your meeting room technology. With no additional need for a separate media player, you can use ClickShare as an enterprise-grade digital signage player to impress, inspire and inform meeting room visitors through the meeting room displays across your facility. 

Benefits of Barco and Korbyt in the workplace

Increase visitor engagement with relevant and timely messages

While your employees are everywhere nowadays – at home and in the office – it becomes harder to reach them with focused and timely messages. With Korbyt Anywhere integrated into your ClickShare room system, you can easily display targeted content and information with easy-to-use pre-exiting templates or custom layouts that support  communications like:

  • Announcements
  • Leadership messages
  • Employee & team spotlights
  • Safety and emergency messages
  • Invitations to social or corporate events
  • Welcome messages to new employees or guests
  • Weather, news or stock data feeds
  • Company dashboards
  • Microsoft Exchange or Google calendar information
  • Room scheduling functionality through a QR code on the screen


设备 外围
类型 互操作性
Korbyt Anywhere 3.9 02.22 Productivity Solutions Digital Signage Certified

Company Profile

Create the workplace culture employees love and customers benefit from.

Korbyt Anywhere is the workplace experience platform that makes it easy to reach and engage your workforce to deliver personalized, secure information to any enterprise communication channel or device. Create content in multiple formats and easily publish to digital signage displays, desktop and mobile devices, and email inboxes. Then measure the effectiveness of your communications to drive business outcomes.

Contact Korbyt

15770 N. Dallas Pkwy Suite 1100
Dallas Texas
United States

Disclaimer: The information shown is provided by our alliance partner and featured as such. Barco does not take any liability or responsibility for the content.

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