17 janv. 2024
Transparency declaration by Barco NV: Threshold crossed
Informations réglementées · Relations investisseurs
Disclosure in accordance with the provisions of the Act of 2 May 2007: Transparency law
Kortrijk, Belgium, 17 January 2024, 18.00 hrs – Barco NV (Euronext: BAR; Reuters: BARBt.BR; Bloomberg: BAR BB) announces that by virtue of the purchase of shares, it has crossed the statutory threshold of 3%.
Content of the notification from 11 January 2024:
Categories of notification | Results of the received form |
Reason for notification | Acquisition or disposal of voting securities or voting rights |
Notification by | A person that notifies alone |
Persons subject to the notification requirement | Barco NV, Pres. Kennedypark 35 – 8500 Kortrijk, België |
Date on which the threshold is crossed | 29/12/2023 |
Threshold that is crossed | 3% |
Denominator | 92,916,645 |
Notified details | Previous notification: #of voting rights: 2,759,182 After the transaction: # of voting rights: 2,826,443 After the transaction: % of voting rights: 3.04% |
Full chain of controlled undertakings through which the holding is effectively held, if applicable | Barco NV is not a controlled entity |
About Barco
Barco is a global company with headquarters in Kortrijk (Belgium). Our visualization and collaboration technology helps professionals accelerate innovation in the healthcare and enterprise and entertainment markets. We count over 3,000 visioneers, whose passion for technology is captured in over 500 unique patents.
Barco is a listed company (Euronext: BAR; Reuters: BARBt.BR; Bloomberg: BAR BB) and realized sales of 1,058 million euro in 2022.
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