WEEE Compliance France
Collection and Recycling Arrangements in France
Under the French Decree on the Prevention and Management of Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE) which came into force on August 13th 2005 and the WEEE Recast transposition of 2014 (Decree on Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment), the financing of collection and recycling of any waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE)arising from equipment bought before August 13th 2005 is the customer's responsibility. This is regardless of whether the equipment is being replaced by a new piece of equipment from Barco. Equipment purchased before August 13th 2005 isreferred to as Historic WEEE.
Under the Decrees, Barco is required to provide arrangements for the collection, treatment, recycling and recovery of any new electrical and electronic equipment that you buy from them after August 13th 2005, when that new equipment eventually becomes waste. This is referred to as New WEEE.
In France, Barco has joined the compliance schemes Ecologic, for category 3 and 4 WEEEE (consumer and IT equipment) and ESR (Previously Eco-Systèmes) for category 5 (lighting equipment) to manage all aspects of WEEE collection and recycling in France. Please contact Ecologic or ESR directly to understand what arrangements have been made to allow Barco customers to send waste equipment for recycling:
Address: 15bis Avenue du Center, 78280 Guyancourt, France
Tel: +33 (0) 1 30 57 79 09
ESR (Eco-Systèmes)
Tel: 0 825 88 68 79
Get in touch
Barco company address
Beneluxpark 21
BE-8500 Kortrijk, Belgium
Tel: +32 56 23 32 11
Barco registered office
Pres.Kennedypark 35
BE-8500 Kortrijk, Belgium
Tel: +32 56 23 32 11