
High-resolution Barco LED for HP's Customer Engagement Centre

London, GB · 2019

Barco solution

  • X 1.6 LED display

Why Barco?

  • 1.6mm pitch
  • Front access
  • High resolution

Since 2015, the UK headquarters of tech company Hewlett Packard has been located in a 67,000-square-foot building at the heart of London. The building also houses an impressive Customer Engagement Centre (CEC) – the first outside of North America. At the CEC, prospective clients meet HPE business experts and leaders and receive expert advice on how to improve their business. It is, of course, equipped with state-of-the-art technology.

1.6mm dot pitch LED with front access
“The CEC includes an ideas room where an artist and a systems analyst create visual representations of the customer goals, a prototyping room for showcasing technology and a gallery with multimedia presentations,” says Gordon McNair, project manager at HP. AV systems consultant Emergent AV helped work out the concept, which also includes a large LED wall at the entrance, used for ‘advertising the HP philosophy’. “I4D, our technology consultant, suggested using Barco’s X1.6 LED displays for three main reasons: the 1.6mm dot pitch, the unique front access and the fact that the display could be easily hung rather than stand on the floor,” McNair continued.

High-resolution LED
HP’s CEC now features two Barco X1.6 LED displays: a large 7.2 x 2m wall with 80 X1.6 LED tiles spanning the ground floor and the basement and a small 1.2 x 2.7m wall with 18 X1.6 LED tiles on the ground floor. The High Definition X series brings the advantages of LED visualization to applications where high resolution is essential. While the tiles create uniform, high-quality images with accurate color depth, the unique mechanical concept of the X1.6 also ensures easy and accurate alignment without requiring on-site tweaking. Moreover, the Barco Infinipix™ platform enables unscaled resolutions up to 4K from a single source and full data redundancy.

Impress the visitors
McNair: “The wall is mainly used to impress visitors and highlight the HP brand. So we display very high-resolution images of iconic places around the world, such as Red Square and Times Square, as well as HP graphics and specialist content. The Barco wall is exceptionally bright, providing the perfect hi-tech backdrop for our messages!”

Get ready for the hybrid workplace
The Barco wall is exceptionally bright, providing the perfect hi-tech backdrop for our messages.

Gordon McNair

Project Manager at HP

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