1 oct. 2014

Two ways in which large, high-resolution displays improve business performance

Clickshare · 1 min de lecture

Every day, in meeting rooms all over the world, executives make critical decisions that impact their organizations’ business performance. And yet, many of them still depend on outdated technology that is not only frustrating to work with, but does nothing to foster sensible thinking and efficient decision-making. The first step toward change? Introducing a large, high-resolution display.

It’s not just us telling you: studies by Microsoft, Halliburton, NEC, Apple, Cisco and other companies show that when it comes to collaborating, displays with high resolution have a significant advantage over their low-resolution counterparts. Here are the most important findings. 

1. The larger the screen, the higher the productivity

Depending on the task, a larger screen can increase productivity by up to 63 percent, with an average of about 10 percent. The study results further indicated that a widescreen format is best, and that user satisfaction increases as screen size and pixel count do the same.

2. The higher the image quality, the easier it is to understand the data

When you display all the data in a single, high-quality visual environment, it becomes much easier to discover and correct potential errors. A survey conducted by Barco in April and May of 2014 supports these findings. Indeed, IT decision makers from several high-tech industries indicated that image quality and increased display surface have the largest impact on the effectiveness of collaboration.

From time waster to collaborative asset

According to the National Statistics Council, employees spend 37 percent of their time in meetings. In the United States alone, 11 million formal meetings are held every day. And while meetings aren’t always popular, we can all agree they are important for sharing information and knowledge. Luckily, as we just demonstrated, boosting collaboration in the meeting room doesn’t have to be hard at all.

Find out more about the study results by clicking here.

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