10 nov. 2021

ABAF Award honors our Investor Relations team

Récompense · Investisseurs · 2 min de lecture

We’re happy to announce that our Investor relations team has been rewarded for their work of the past year during the 2021 ABAF Awards, with the award in the category “Best Small & Mid Caps”.

The award competition for Best Financial Communication is an annual quality review for and by experts of the (international) financial community. It’s organized under the auspices of ABAF/BVFA, the expertise center for the community of finance professionals in Belgium, and their main goal is to encourage companies to keep investing in good quality information and communication.

This year’s hybrid award ceremony took place both virtually and live at the premises of Belgian telecom operator Proximus, last year’s overall winner of the ceremony’s 60th edition. Ann Bouckaert and Carl Vanden Bussche, our Investor Relations Specialist and VP, were present to receive the award.

Picture of Ann Bouckaert and Carl Vanden Bussche 
Ann Bouckaert and Carl Vanden Bussche, our Investor Relations Specialist and VP, were present to receive the award.

Luc Van der Elst, Vice-Chairman of ABAF/BVFA, clarified the jury’s choice: "The first place in the category of Small and Mid Caps this year goes to Barco. The company performed consistently strong in each of the categories and impresses with their fast and detailed reporting on its half-year and full-year results, and scored – as usual – with their excellent Investor Relations activities."

This is our third ABAF Award, following the one for “Best Investor Relations” in 2020 and “Best Financial Communication” in 2017.

“We are really proud to bring this award home”, says Carl Vanden Bussche, our VP Investor Relations. “This is now the third time in five years we win at the ABAF-awards.  In a challenging year like 2021, it means even more to us. I want to dedicate this award to the many people at Barco involved and supporting investor relations and external reporting. This award is a token of appreciation for their great work.”

Congrats to the team!

Interested in more?
Dive into our 2020 Integrated Report

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