30 mars 2022

“You should be able to just concentrate on the main goal of the procedure, which is delivering optimal care to your patient”

SANTÉ 2 min de lecture

In September last year, Dr Nick Maynard joined our Surgical Advisory Board. Dr Maynard is Upper GI Surgeon and Lead for Cancer Services at Oxford University Hospitals. We recently invited him at our Barco headquarters to meet the teams, share his views on ongoing projects, and discuss new ideas.

Innovation in the field of surgery

Key topic of the day was the future of surgery and the role that innovation and technology (will) play in it.

"The development of new surgical technologies, such as robotics, will have a major impact on both staff and patient outcomes,” says Dr Maynard. “With new innovations, it's always important to consider the surgeons' ergonomics in the OR and to ensure their mental focus and physical well-being, because these reflect on patient outcomes and theater productivity.”

Dr Maynard around the table with co-CEO An Steegen and members of the Surgical team

Delivering optimal care to your patient

Dr Maynard continues: “In other words, technology should not be a distraction. Everything should go so easy that you should be able to just concentrate on the main goal of the procedure, which is delivering optimal care to your patient."

And that’s a very important point to keep in mind while we develop new solutions and improve our existing ones. It’s very valuable for our teams to know what the main painpoints of the surgeons in different fields are, so we’re sure that the collaboration with our Surgical Advisory Board will be a fruitful one.

Excited about the future

Dr Maynard adds: "I'm delighted to work with Barco, because it's a company that has all the innovative skills to deliver in the exciting field of surgery. On top of that, they also provide a stimulating environment to dive into many research opportunities, and that's really exciting as well."


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