
How to share content using ClickShare Button

Numéro de l'article: [2898] - Ancien code: [6374]

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To share content using a ClickShare Button you should follow the steps below:

  1. Plug in the Button into your laptop (Windows or Mac).
    • CX-series/C-series: The white ring on the Button is filling up.
      In the meanwhile a Preparing the meeting room... window is displayed on your laptop
    • CS(E)-series/CSC-1/CSM-1: The Button start flashing white.
  2. When the Button changes to static white, it's ready to share content.  
    Info! If the Button continues to flash white, see KB 4349 for troubleshooting tips.
  3. Click the Button.
    The Button changes to static red and your screen is shared.

Note: For detailed information on using the ClickShare Button with your Base Unit, see the chapter Basic Use, with Button in your ClickShare Base Unit user guide. The user guide can be downloaded from here (how to: see KB 9362).

See it in action in the video below "How can you share with a ClickShare Button".

For any other error, please contact Barco helpdesk.

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Dernière mise à jour 17 nov. 2023