28 июн. 2023 г.

Prof. Sheraz Markar joins our Surgical Advisory Board

News · Хирургия · Время чтения: 3 мин.

We welcome Prof. Sheraz Markar to the Barco Healthcare family! He has joined Prof. Dr Nick Maynard and Dr Mathieu D’Hondt as third member of our Surgical Advisory Board.

About our Surgical Advisory Board

The field of healthcare technology is changing fast. Disrupting technologies are opening new possibilities to improve efficiency and accuracy. The regulatory landscape is becoming stricter, and healthcare is specializing and personalizing intensively.

However, it is important to not lose sight of healthcare’s core mission: helping patients. The Barco Surgical Advisory Board guides our development of clinical solutions and innovations, thanks to their first-hand experience and valuable feedback.

Prof. Markar

Dr D’Hondt

Prof. Dr Maynard

Presenting Prof. Sheraz Markar – PhD

Prof. Markar looks forward to working with Barco: “I am extremely excited to be working with Barco over the upcoming years to facilitate the development, delivery and integration of novel scientific technology into the clinical environment that can meaningfully impact patient care. Barco is at the cutting edge of innovative technology that has tremendous potential to improve the quality of surgery and efficiency of surgical pathways, and I look forward to actively contributing to the process.”

Find Prof. Markar’s full biography here.

Three members

Prof. Markar is the third member of our Surgical Advisory Board. He joins Prof. Dr Nick Maynard of Oxford University Hospitals in the UK, and Dr Mathieu D’Hondt of AZ Groeninge hospital in Belgium. Prof. Dr Maynard and Dr D’Hondt have been working with us since 2021 and 2022 respectively.

Prof. Dr Maynard looks back on the collaboration so far: “I am very excited to be working with Barco, and look forward to developing this further both locally in Oxford University Hospitals, and nationally through the Association of Upper GI Surgery of Great Britain and Ireland (AUGIS). I see huge potential in what Barco can offer us in the OR through the surgical displays and Nexxis, and I am excited to contribute to further development and guidance for better patient outcomes and workflow optimization in the OR.”

Dr D’Hondt adds: “As a surgeon with special interest in minimally invasive and robotic surgery, I feel that innovation of new technology, imaging and medical devices helps us to progress and improve the care for our patients.”

Towards an innovative future focused on patient care

With Prof. Markar’s joining, we can further improve both our existing and new solutions, with great attention for our end-users. In this way, we can keep improving patient care through innovation in visualization.

Welcome to the team!

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