4 abr. 2010

Building it green

SOSTENIBILIDAD 2 minutos leídos

"Eco-friendliness" has quickly earned its place high on the requirements list of nearly every new product being developed. With the introduction of the brand-new Coronis Fusion 10MP displays system, Barco has taken its eco approach to the next level. The result? The greenest Barco monitor ever.

"Eco-friendliness" has quickly earned its place high on the requirements list of nearly every new product being developed. With the introduction of the brand-new Coronis Fusion 10MP displays system, Barco has taken its eco approach to the next level. The result? The greenest Barco monitor ever.

Kyoto and beyond

At last year’s Copenhagen Summit, more than 190 countries debated new targets for the prevention of global warming in the post-Kyoto era (i.e. from 2012 onwards). One of the spearheads of this discussion was a substantial reduction of atmospheric concentrations of greenhouse gases related to energy production.

The brand-new Coronis Fusion 10MP leads the way here, not only by offering the best performance/consumption ratio in the industry, but also by introducing a number of additional power saving techniques. These include a smart ‘sleep mode’, and the ability to schedule automated quality control and QA tasks when the PC is switched off.

Banning the "bad six"

In the design and development phase of the new Coronis Fusion 10MP display system, special attention was also given to the careful selection of eco-friendly components from audited suppliers. All of its raw components were meticulously checked for environmentally harmful substances.

In practice, it means - for instance - that six of the most environmentally polluting substances have all been banned. These "bad six" include Lead (Pb), Mercury (Hg), Cadmium (Cd), Hexavalent chromium (Cr6+), Polybrominated biplenyl (PBB) and Polybrominated diphenyl ether (PBDE).

Preserving our resources

By carefully selecting the most ecological components set, making the product as light and compact as possible, and ensuring a long product lifetime, engineers have managed to substantially reduce the "eco impact" of the new product. On top of this, the product’s packaging has been designed to optimally use the available pallet space. And when the product will eventually reach end-of-life, all used materials will be carefully processed and recycled to reduce the consumption of raw natural resources.

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