The Ghent Film Festival is one of Europe’s major film events. Each year, it presents a unique array of international films and highlights the latest developments in cinema. However, what sets it apart from many other film festivals is its focus on film music. During the 12-day festival, visitors are treated to a variety of concerts and prizes are awarded to the most remarkable soundtracks.
Barco will again play an important role at the Film Festival: not only are we sponsor and partner, but a range of our products will also be featured at the event’s various venues. The expert team of Barco’s partner XL Video will install 5 FLM-HD20 projectors, 3 RLM-W6 projectors, and – at the entrance of the movie complex – a big LED wall streaming live video content of the red carpet activities.
We hope you are looking forward to this international film event as much as we are! Tickets for screenings can still be bought online or at the Vooruit and Uitbureau Gent ticket offices.