30 jun. 2014

Kasturba Medical College KMC gets a new perspective on PACS

Atención sanitaria · 1 minutos leídos

For the prestigious Kasturba Medical College (KMC) in Manipal, India, it’s all about providing patients with the best possible care. Today, it still ranks among the top ten medical institutions in the country. To strengthen its leadership position, the staff recently upgraded its existing picture archiving and communications system (PACS) and introduced Barco’s market-leading Nio display systems.

Different perspectives

Established as long ago as 1953 by the late Dr Tonse Madhava Anantha Pai, the KMC was the first private sector medical college in India. The hospital’s diagnostic imaging department delivers imaging services for a large range of specialty doctors at KMC and district hospitals, working in cardiology, cardiothoracic surgery, neurology, neurosurgery, urology, nephrology, plastic surgery and pediatric surgery. Advanced imaging technologies used include CT, MRI, US, fluoroscopy, CR, DR and digital mammography.

Eye on the future

When they decided to upgrade their PACS display systems , the staff decided to call upon Barco, once more, for a future-proof solution. “We have been very satisfied with Barco’s diagnostic display systems over the past nine years,” says Dr Rajagopal K.V., HOD Radiology at KMC. “With their high luminance ratio, exceptional image quality and stability, the Nio diagnostic display systems perfectly complement our PACS and clinical requirements. Furthermore, as they are bundled with MediCal QAWeb for automated calibration and quality assurance, maximum diagnostic confidence and uptime are guaranteed across our whole fleet.”


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