23 mar. 2022

Museum 2.0. When culture & technology meet.

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The new museum experience

when culture and technology come together

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Museums are multi-purpose institutions devoted to the storage, restoration and study of objects with a certain cultural or scientific value. But the thing about museums is this: they’re not really museums if they don’t have visitors. It’s the exhibition part that gives them their real raison d’être, fulfilling their mission to share those valuable objects and make them accessible to others.
Visitors are key. But visitors are changing…

New generations ask for new approaches. Millennials and their younger counterparts are more tech-savvy than any other generation, so leveraging technology can be an extremely useful way to engage with these digital natives. If museums wish to keep up with the times and maintain their visitor rates, they’ll have to welcome the opportunity of the digital transformation.
A transition empowered by technology.

In our new e-book, we discuss a wide set of examples on how to use technology in your museums. Embrace the change, be inspired by the creativity of others, and explore the possibilities to get your story told in a unique and engaging way.

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