22 ene. 2024

Proven calibration perfection for residential projectors: check us out on ISE

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When investing in a high-end home cinema, you don’t want to just enjoy a movie from time to time. You expect an overwhelming experience, with impeccable image and sound. However, simply installing AV-equipment – even when this is the most advanced on the market – is not enough to achieve perfection. Calibration is the key to success here. At Barco, we take this very seriously, and our projectors are renowned for their calibration capabilities. The Professional Video Alliance (PVA) has now certified Barco – meaning we adhere to standards. Do you want to experience our top projectors yourself? Then come see them perform at ISE (Barcelona, 30 January – 2 February). 

No two rooms are the same. Every environment has its specific ambiance: colored walls that reflect light back onto the screen will impact color accuracy, ambient light will influence contrast, … But also technical equipment, like signal paths, can create issues that require troubleshooting. That is why the installation of a Barco Residential solution is always done by professionals.

However, know-how alone isn’t enough: the equipment also needs to be designed to facilitate calibration. Barco has a long legacy when it comes to this. Did you know that we won a 1988 Emmy Award for our Color Video Scope monitor line, which featured the first microprocessor able to do automatic calibration? We further perfected this in our future visualization equipment – including projectors, healthcare displays and large video walls. Today, our projectors are the models that are the easiest to perfectly calibrate on the market.

Certification that confirms our professionalism

Barco Residential is now, as the first projector manufacturer, certified by PVA (Professional Video Alliance). This means that we meet our claimed data specifications, and that our hardware can be accurately calibrated to a given standard. This confirms our trustworthiness as a manufacturer. During the factory visit, the certificators from PVA were especially impressed by our dedication to ensure that our products definitely meet the specs. 

high-end residential home cinema receives pva certification for calibration standards
high-end residential home cinema receives pva certification for calibration standards

But we know that to fully convince you about our products, you need to experience them for yourself. Attending ISE in Barcelona next week? Then you can see our products on display at the following partner booths:

  • 2C500 – Barco Residential, Trinnov, Krix, Officina Acustica – Njord Cinemascope (biggest dedicated home cinema demo on the show)
  • 2G500 – L-Acoustics will have a Bragi (16:9) on demo.
  • 2M100 – Barco Booth with LED

We hope to see you there!

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