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Innovative engineering

You know the requirements of your project. We know our portfolio. Together, we can design the optimal solution that creates your desired impact.

Unique in the market, we offer all main technologies and always provide top-notch solutions based on the latest innovations.

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Global team

Together we’re stronger. XCITE consists of visualization experts, solution architects and dedicated engineers at your service to realize your project.

You can rely on our global team brimming with expertise and customized system design capabilities.

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Tailored services

The Barco visualization products are designed to stand the test of time, offering consistent quality and reliable performances, day after day!

You can be sure of professional support fully tailored to your needs. For complete peace-of-mind, from start to finish.

System components

Barco’s offering comprises a wide range of projectors, video walls, screens, screen management systems and services.

Need more? The XCITE is available to think with you about custom solutions.

Pictures customer story Museum of the Future (MotF)

Barco engineering stepped in and stopped at nothing to ensure perfection. From custom one-of-one solutions to the deployment of on-site professional services, the Barco experts thought outside the box every step of the way. Barco became an extension of the team and we are very pleased with results the team achieved.

Phil Marlowe

Managing Director Middle East at AVI-SPL


Would you like to know how Barco’s advanced technology can help your next project become a huge success? Reach out and we’ll find a solution that’s tailored to your needs.

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