
Not able to change wallpapers via XMS Cloud

Número de artículo: [6980]

Aplicable a

Most likely you already have 5 customer wallpapers uploaded to the Base Unit. 

There are 2 default wallpapers with ID:1 and ID:2 --> then the custom wallpapers start at 1000 and their indexes count upwards, these numbers are incremental and they do not repeat (even if you delete a wallpaper this index will not be re-used).  Remove the unused wallpapers while a more permanent solution is determined, when there are fewer than 5 wallpapers, XMS wallpaper downloads to base units will operate as expected.

When using the Base Unit HTML configuration tool you will note that the option to upload a new wallpaper disappears after 5 customer wallpapers exist on the base unit.

The XMS does not test if 5 wallpapers exist and a silent failure will occur. There is no error or exception log that will advise you which Base Units failed to update the wallpaper.

  1. You can determine how many wallpapers exist using the base unit configuration utility, you cannot determine this from the XMS interface.
  2. You  can also determine how many wallpapers exist by pasting this command into a browser (replace the IP address) and entering the base unit user ID and Password when prompted:
  3. A PowerShell equivalent of the HTTPS request (using admin/admin as the user account) is shown at the bottom if this KB.


 The functionality to be able to push more than 5 wallpapers will be in 02.19.00 firmware release for the CX and C series (March2024). XMs cloud will overwrite the last wallpaper on the base unit when this limit is reached.





$headers = New-Object "System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary[[String],[String]]" $headers.Add("Authorization", "Basic YWRtaW46YWRtaW4=") $response = Invoke-RestMethod '' -Method 'GET' -Headers $headers $response | ConvertTo-Json


Última actualización 14 dic. 2023