28 apr 2022


Informazioni regolamentate

Contribution in kind of the net dividend in return for subscription for one new share at EUR 19.60 representing 70 dividend rights for the 2021 fiscal year



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Contribution in kind of the net dividend in return for subscription for one new share at EUR 19.60 representing 70 dividend rights for the 2021 fiscal year
Option period from 11 May to 3 June 2022 inclusive

Kortrijk, Belgium, 28 April 2022, 07:30 am - Subject to approval by the General Meeting of Shareholders of Barco NV of the gross dividend for the 2021 fiscal year of EUR 0.40 per share, the Board of Directors has decided to offer this dividend in the form of an optional dividend. For every 70 dividend rights (the “dividend rights”) that are contributed one new share can be subscribed, at the issue price of EUR 19.60.

Shareholders holding 70 dividend rights or a multiple thereof on 10 May 2022 can reinvest their dividends in the capital of Barco NV via subscription for one or more new shares in Barco NV. No additional cash payment can be made for missing dividend rights. The dividend right (ISIN BE6334411202) is not traded separately on Euronext Brussels.

Barco NV’s reference shareholders, Titan Baratto NV and 3D NV, have expressed the intention to reinvest 100% of the dividend rights held by them in the capital of Barco NV. This means that 26.71% of the number of shares made available via the optional dividend will already be subscribed.


As of 11 May 2022, shareholders have the option to contribute in kind their net dividends in the capital of Barco NV on the following conditions:

  • Contribution in kind of the net dividend: EUR 0.28 per dividend right.
  • Contribution ratio: 70 dividend rights per new share.
  • Issue price per new share: EUR 19.60, or a discount of 5.94% compared to the weighted average of the closing prices on Euronext Brussels during the period from 22 April to 27 April 2022 and 5.50% compared to the closing price per 27 April 2022 (adjusted for the gross dividend of € 0.40).
  • Option period: from 11 May to 3 June 2022, 15.00 hrs, inclusive.
  • Delivery of the new shares: 9 June 2022.
  • Profit sharing: for the full 2022 fiscal year beginning on 1 January 2022.

Holders of dematerialised shares (in a securities account) are invited to inform their financial institution of their decision and to follow the instructions of the financial institution for the recording of their preference.

Holders of registered shares should follow the instructions received by them by mail from Barco NV.

Shareholders who do not make their choice known or do not make it known in time will automatically receive the net dividend in cash as of 9 June 2022.

Shareholders wishing to take advantage of exemption from withholding tax should submit an application for this via their financial institution, which should forward this to KBC Bank by 17 June 2022 at the latest.

The information note is available on the website under

The information note will also be made available on the websites of KBC Securities ( overviews/prospectus-overview), KBC Bank ( and Bolero (

Principal paying agent for the optional dividend: KBC Securities, Avenue du Port/Havenlaan 2, 1080 Brussels.


About Barco
Barco is a global technology leader that develops networked visualization solutions for the entertainment, enterprise and healthcare markets. Our solutions make a visible impact, allowing people to enjoy compelling entertainment experiences; to foster knowledge sharing and smart decision-making in organizations and to help hospitals provide their patients with the best possible healthcare.
Headquartered in Kortrijk (Belgium), Barco realized sales of 804 million euro in 2021 and has a global team of 3,000+ employees, whose passion for technology is captured in +500 granted patents. Barco has been listed on the Brussels Stock Exchange since 1985 (Euronext: BAR; Reuters: BARBt.BR; Bloomberg: BAR BB) .
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Inge Govaerts - Corporate Communications Officer

Inge Govaerts - Corporate Communications Officer

Corporate Communications Officer

+32 56 36 80 52