Barco XT-series LED display amazes visitors at Tokorozawa Sakura Town
Tokorozawa, JP · 2021
Barco solution:
- LED XT1.2 – 91 panels (13x7)
- Event Master S3-4K
Key benefits:
- High-definition picture quality
- High luminance
Tokorozawa Sakura Town is a commercial facility in the Japanese town of Tokorozawa – in the Saitama Prefecture close to Tokyo. It is a joint project between Kadokawa Corporation and Tokorozawa City, and plays a central role in the “Cool Japan Forest Project”, aiming to become Japan’s main pop culture communication site. The facility includes an event space, a hotel, shops and restaurants, a Da Vinci store, a book production/distribution factory, and new offices.
Kadokawa plans to hold press conferences and other events in the event space. To this end, the company has installed a large Barco XT1.2 LED display in the office area. The video wall is 7.9 m long x 2.4 m high, and consists of 13 LED panels horizontally and 7 vertically.
Several solutions were evaluated, produced by both domestic and overseas manufacturers, and in the end, Barco was selected. The decision was based on the high resolution of the XT1.2, and its ability to operate in an open area, where it often receives direct sunlight.
In this way, Barco is supporting Tokorozawa Sakura Town's vision of becoming Japan's main pop culture communication site, achieving amazing visual experiences with high-definition video on its LED displays.
Tokorozawa Sakura TownCompared to other manufacturers, Barco LEDs were very appealing due to its HD quality and ability to counter light reflection.
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