27 apr 2012

Barco Laser Demo at CinemaCon proves "brightest is best"

1 min di lettura

Hundreds of CinemaCon attendees captured a glimpse of the Cinema of the Future at Barco’s Laser Projection Showcase held at the annual movie exhibitors’ convention held in Las Vegas this week. Case in point, amazingly brilliant 4K footage of the documentary Samsara demonstrated just what 55,000 lumens of brightness can do for movie image quality on a giant, 70-foot screen.

“This takes brightness and clarity to an entirely new level. It’s stunningly bright, but not too bright…this is the future I cannot wait for,” commented reporter Alex Billington from filmmakers, exhibitors and moviegoers will attest, brightness is the key to enlivening realistic 3D movie presentation. Famed director Martin Scorsese concurred during the CinemaCon Directors’ Luncheon co-sponsored by Barco, as featured in the Hollywood Reporter, “…if [cinema screens] are too dark and you can’t see, why would they come back and watch another 3D film?”

In addition to Samsara, Barco also showed 4K High Frame Rate (48fps) clips of Mission: Impossible Ghost Protocol and other footage to demonstrate the crispness and brightness of laser. Combined with Enhanced 4K and High Frame Rates, laser projection promises to usher in a new era in immersive cinema in the near future.

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