10 nov 2012

Barco’s video wall helps ensure safety at holy city of Mecca

Videowall · 1 min di lettura

Every autumn, millions of Muslims embark upon a ritual pilgrimage to the holy city of Mecca, Saudi Arabia. This year, more than three million people are estimated to have made the journey, arriving in Mecca around 24 October for the kick-off of the Hajj. To keep the hundreds of thousands of pilgrims in Mecca safe, the local authorities have made significant investments in security, over the past few years. The 23 October issue of the local Okaz newspaper zoomed in on a safety control room, where the images of 3,000 IP cameras are viewed on a large Barco OL-721 video wall.


The Overview video wall, which is composed of 30 721” modules (in a 3 x 5 x 2 set-up) displays the sharpest and most saturated colors in full HD resolution (1920x1080), thus offering an ergonomically excellent viewing experience. Other key benefits include the high redundancy, which makes it ideal for use in control rooms, and maintenance-free operation, without any need for consumables. The video wall was integrated into the control room by Saudi-Arabian integration expert Samir Group.

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