28 lug 2013

Five tips to select the right medical display solution

Imaging diagnostico · Display · 1 min di lettura

Hospital budgets are restricted these days and yet hospitals have to select the very best medical equipment and solutions, in order to deliver ultimate patient care. But how to choose the best and most future-proof diagnostic imaging solution, while technology is changing at dazzling speed and regulations are increasingly strict? Medical Imaging Magazine asked Geert Carrein, our Vice-President strategic marketing diagnostic imaging. In an extensive four-page article, Geert takes us on a whirlwind journey through the world of digital imaging.


Past and future of medical imaging
The journey starts with a short look-back at the history of digital imaging displays, to then zoom in on today’s advances. Geert explains the importance of image quality, the impact of digital imaging on productivity and workflow, and the current regulations and guidelines. He also explains the key difference between medical displays and COTS, and the importance of a full audit. Finally, no diagnostic imaging fleet should be chosen without a thorough costing.

Your ideal guide
With better displays, radiologists perform better. That sounds quite logical. But what are ‘better displays’? This article is your ideal guide to selecting imaging displays that ensure the most accurate clinical diagnoses.

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