22 ott 2013
From video wall through to lighting and furniture
Videowall · 1 min di lettura
Sure, Barco delivers great, state-of-the-art visualization solutions, for a broad range of industries. But did you know that our team does much more than that? When Eandis, Belgium’s biggest distribution grid operator, decided to refurbish its Distribution Operations Centers, Barco oversaw the entire project: from the ergonomics study and installation of the OverView video wall - including the fully networked video distribution – right through to the project management.
Reflecting deep expertise
Designed by and for the operators, the brand-new Distribution Operations Centers are the fruit of Barco’s advanced ergonomics studies. Patrick Vancaeyzeele, Manager Control Center West at Eandis: “Barco lent smart advice on everything, including furniture, lighting, the type of blinds and the color of the walls. The expertise they’ve amassed in control room projects around the world is truly reflected in everything they do.”
Watch the video to catch a glimpse of the new control room, as well as the design process.
Read the full testimonial.