9 nov 2015

Quality visualization at id mitte 2015

Display · LED · 1 min di lettura

On 6 and 7 November, the annual id mitte dental trade show took place in Frankfurt am Main. Offering a comprehensive overview of the latest trends and technologies, the fair is an absolute must-visit for any dental professional. Barco and its partner DDZ were present as well with their latest solutions.


Quality on display
The id mitte dental fair offers industry players in the medical sector the perfect opportunity to present and demonstrate their latest innovations. At the Barco booth, attendees were offered a first-hand introduction to the Nio 2MP HE medical LED display — which was also showcased on the booth of our partner DDZ – and the Eonis 22” and 24” clinical displays designed with infection control in mind.

Get (D)IN the know
Also featured was our Medical QAWeb system. This innovative solution makes calibrating displays a breeze and maximizes diagnostic confidence. In May this year, the new ‘Bildwiedergabegeräte’ or DIN 6868-157 standard took effect in Germany. Barco specialists explained how this impacts the dental professional, and how Barco has incorporated the new standard.

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